Thursday, August 17, 2017

8/17/17 Trump, Descending To Greatness?

    It seems every week brings a new low for this president, I can't see how he can lower the bar anymore, but it seems that every week he manages to do it.  From arguing, publicly, about the Attorney General he chose because he recused himself from the Russia mess, to fighting with the Muslims to keep them out, to almost starting a nuclear war with North Korea.  Can it get any worse than that?  Apparently, supporting Neo-Nazis and other white hate groups is seen as about the latest lowest thing this President will do.  We were even informed that the President had a Script to read but chose to get real and just ad lib.
    Some of his assistants claim he went rogue.  Whether he did or didn't, he should have more sense, but dammit, just like a spoiled brat, he does for himself.  The only conclusion I can give of him is that he is part of the neo-nazis, or the KKK, or even the alternative right.  What was so hard about condemning the truly bad guys in this situation?  Their actions directly caused the death of the woman, specifically the 20 year old.  To hear Trump, would make it seem like the liberals out there protesting and asking for it.  This is akin to a girl getting raped and the judge coming out and blaming everybody for the horrific act.  I'm sorry, but this time it would have been very easy to say "White People, you done fucked up."  But no, that will never happen.
    I have nothing against the South, even if you're white and proud, nothing wrong with that, we should all appreciate where we come from and admire the hardships our forefathers had to go through to get where we are.  My problem is when Bubba says the South will rise again.  What does that mean?  Are y'all going to try and enslave certain people?  When Germany lost, all the Hitler paraphernalia was taken down.  When Saddam Hussein was captured and Iraq taken away from him, all his statues were removed.  Why are we still letting the south celebrate its heroes.  When you lose a war, your heroes get replaced by the winners.  This is why names like Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill are celebrated and names like Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito are not.  How crazy would it be to go to Italy and see them celebrating Mussolini day?  Or somebody trying to name a city Hirohito and celebrating him in Japan.  No, those fuckers lost, same as the south, statues of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson should have never been erected.
    Surely, our modern day President who grew up rich in the north would not want to encourage pockets of morons to uprise and wave silly flags that do not represent the United States of America.  Idiot!!!!!
    Just watch, next week he'll do something else to make you shake your head in disbelief.

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