Friday, October 7, 2022

10/4/22 A Week Full Of Mail-In Treats?

     Who needs the mall, when we have Amazon and online shopping?  I got a little contact high from all the stuff I received this week via mail.  Probably the most exciting thing I received was the book I worked on for almost a month on and off again.  I went and using Shutterfly, composed a book from the hundreds of pics taken during the wrestling season.  Of course, my focus was Mijo, making sure to capture the will of victory and the agony of defeat, at least in the opponent's eyes.  I did not use any footage where Mijo might have lost, only the good memories needed here.  I also added images of his friends fighting, and then some images that were just cool, along the season, I mean these are just kids competing, when they get off the mat, they are all still goofy and sweet.

    The next best thing I got in the mail was my game jersey, Wife and I have black jerseys that sort of resemble the ones worn by the team, but I wanted a gold version, since the team doesn't always wear the black jersey.  I chose not to get Wife a matching one, I sat and ordered mine in the middle of the night a couple weeks ago, because she has not been wearing her jersey while Mijo was injured, she chose to just wear the Crockett standard black shirts.  I love the jerseys, I feel more connected to Mijo and since I ordered mine in 6X, it fits very loose and is a comfortable wear.

    After this, I also got my large "Always Victorious" banner, which is a school slogan I had not noticed before, but the coach is trying to make it a loud chant.  I noticed this week, while watching some of the volleyball game online, the basketball court has the slogan imprinted on what looks like a very old court print, so it has been around longer than Mijo has.  Either way, I got the idea to order a banner about a month ago, and it finally came in.  It looked terrific along the fence, at 3ftx12ft, it was a good size to see.

There were also some large, printed images that I ordered last week, while messing around with Shutterfly, which I have started doing to decorate Mijo's room, some are just with friends, some are action shots while he is competing, and some include his girl, which he will probably enjoy most of all.

    Then there are my flags, which I love, but are kind of a pain in the butt.  I thought I had ordered four 3x5 flags with the Cougar logo, but in fact I ordered six.  I then went and ordered five new poles to hang my flags from, including a Texas flag, which Mijo convinced me we needed, for the running in because nothing looks cooler than the Texas flag.  Since I then discovered that I had more flags than poles, I left the larger 4x6ft flags at home and took the poles from those to use on the smaller flags.  The problem is that not all stadiums have slots to go and easily hang the flags from.  The boys did have fun running onto the field with the Texas and a couple of Cougar logo flags, but then they were just resting on the ground and a couple were hung on the fence down at field level, but there was absolutely no air to make then fly proudly.  Still, I am happy the team has these, probably for a few years, if they take care of them.

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