Sunday, October 23, 2022

10/22/22 Celebrating At Pappadeaux?

     Wife decided it would be a good idea to take the boys out to eat at a nice restaurant this weekend after they qualified for the playoffs last week.  Her story is that she had been making bets with the coach over at her school, and not little $1 bets.  She had a couple hundred bucks she claimed she won from the betting, now I'm not 100% sure she was joking or if this is real, because Wife has never been the betting kind, but that is how we started this meal.  The next part was deciding what a "nice meal" would be.  I was happy enough to take them to Salt Lick, one of the other boys we took had been making waves that he wanted to go back to Salt Lick, he had gone with his family at one point during the summer or something and he loved it.  Our boy, being who he is, dismissed Salt Lick saying it was alright, but not that great.  My joke of course, this being the kid that never wants to admit I make great brisket and ribs, is that my grilled food is so good, he doesn't see something like Salt Lick as even remotely good.

    We only have a handful of places we consider top tier dining, and we are not fancy enough to know places where they fly in that one cow from Japan with your name assigned to it and costs hundreds of dollars an ounce.  I am talking about regular places where regular people eat.  My high-water mark place to eat is Estancia Churrascaria, the Brazilian place, but we might want to save that one for graduation.  Another neat place is Pappadeaux, which is mostly a sea/bay food restaurant, maybe inspired by Louisiana, if I had to give it a place.  The food is drenched in flavor and most plates are unique and special.

    It was really a wonderful experience, the boys reacted just like we hoped they would.  The two boys joining us are probably my favorite of Mijo's friends, two of the other starting linemen on the team and they also wrestle with him, so we know them pretty well.  One of them kind of mentioned the lobster, and since Wife had this money as free and extra, I wanted to see the process of eating a lobster.  He asked for the smallest one, still around a 3-pounder, they brought it by the table, which made him a little uncomfortable, especially because we started making jokes about how the lobster was just chilling in the tank and now it was going off to die, thanks to you.

    The lobster is a big deal, it sat so big on the plate, like a turkey, but the kid handled it great, he cut off pieces before he started eating and wanted Mijo and the other boy to taste it too.  He then fought with it, taking it apart and breaking the claws and various other body parts to get at the meat.  It was a messy, interesting meal.  I mentioned to them the fact that I liked this place because where else can you eat these many animals in one sitting?  We then counted between the alligator appetizers, crab and crawfish dip and everything else, we all consumed almost 11 different animals.  It is usually a special meal and this one didn't disappoint.

    If anything, I wish we had brought more of the boys with us, this season has been so good for the Cougars overall, other than Mijo being injured, with all the winning and positivity.  After, we managed to get home and I just crashed for about three hours, I was in and out of sleep from around three until maybe 7:00pm.  It was a great Saturday.

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