Saturday, October 29, 2022

10/26/22 Jordan Peterson On Spotify?

     It gets tough in the lab, when we actually have to do work, we can't be talking the whole time.  In the last few months, we have added a second room where we have hoods and clean room space to prepare our samples.  This room does not have computers, like the room with our analysis tools, and because of that, we also don't have speakers to play music and stuff off the internet.  I don't really prefer to put on headphones, but I have a few good ones that I can use with my phone, so I have restarted taking them and going back to my library of stuff to listen to.

    I have my favorites as far as music, but that does get old after a while, and I still can say I love Carolla's podcast, after not listening to it for months, I came back and there was a lot of familiarity to what was going on.  I did like the random interview he was talking about was a guy who had walked across Antarctica, and his takeaway was the change you get when you spend time alone with your own thoughts, no music, no phone conversations.  He then has come out with a book talking about doing a walk, even if in familiar territory, just walk, no phone, no music, basically no outside stimulation, just listen to yourself for at least twelve hours.  According to the guy, this was the thing that he found the most interesting in his quest to cover mostly uninhabitable terrain, which I believe took him like 76 days.

    If Adam is the old comfortable warm-ups, one wears every day, Jordan Peterson is the brand-new set of Nikes Mama just bought you for school, all shiny and full of promise, surely all the kids will learn to love him like you do, so far.  I have been introduced to Peterson via so many Youtube videos, and the man is a force.  His claim to fame was pushing back in his university back in Canada, when the whole pronoun BS came to light.  This, along with his videos on Youtube, made him an overnight celebrity of sorts, fighting for the conservative side, or against the pronoun gang, arguing that it cannot be put into law, the use of gendered pronouns, it opens up to the law being able to be used in a ridiculous fashion.  As I understood his argument, if a man looks like a man, but wants to be addressed as a lady, said man could call the police for being disrespected by the use wrong pronouns.  I could be wrong, but I believe this was the point of his refusal to go along with his universities demands.

    Anyways, he brings fresh perspective, and has what appears to be hundreds of lectures with guests who seem to be mostly academics and they delve into topics of interest, such as Deception and Psychopathy, The Biology of Good and Evil, and even Lessons From The Bible.  I like when a smart person breaks stuff like this down, and I have nothing but time, when I am stuck at work.

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