Tuesday, September 20, 2022

9/20/22 A Lot Of TikToks On This?

     I guess now that the Roe V. Wade thing has settled down a bit, people are starting to have discussions more intelligently than the screaming at each other that had been occurring up until now.  One big facet I am enjoying, not that it would affect me, is the discussion that says women can opt out of motherhood by turning to an abortion for whatever reason, whether the baby was created under horrible conditions such as rape, or more ludicrous reasons, such as a vacation has been planned for the summer and a baby in the belly would ruin the pictures.

    The same is not true for a man, and somehow in the calculations, this is not fair.  Men right now, cannot opt out of the obligation of having to pay for a child they may not want.  The only person with a choice is the woman, she can say yes or no to a pregnancy, but a man cannot say yes or no to paying for the child.  The discussion should at least be possible, if a man automatically is "captured" for 18 years, or more, to pay for this child, he should get some say in deciding whether the baby should be allowed to be born.

    I am not trying to say that the man should get the last word, but the child is not solely the domain of a woman, if the man is going to be expected to provide for this child until it grows up.  I also feel that now that the science exists and has been tested, DNA tests should become the norm.  It is unfair to have a man raise a child that is not his thru deception.  I am not talking about deciding to adopt or foster, or any other myriad circumstances where outsiders end up helping to raise children.  I mean when they specifically think the progeny are theirs, but they are not.  This should be known up front, a man can still "step up" and be a loving and caring father, but it should not be thru lies on the part of the woman.

    While we are at it, the courts shouldn't be forcing men to pay for children that aren't theirs thru threats of going to jail.  It is possible a person was raising a child fully thinking they were his children only to find out they were being lied to all along.  When and if this comes out, the courts should not be blind and keep punishing this man, it's not like they obligate the woman to keep having sex with him, which honestly should be part of the exchange.

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