Tuesday, November 16, 2021

11/15/21 When Did I Become The House Cook?

     I will agree that I was having fun the past year when I started cooking daily for Baby A and myself on the pellet grill.  We would eat some sort of steak or even burgers, but I was technically "grilling", so I enjoyed the effort and output.  Fast forward to now, and at the moment my grill is down, the control panel must have given out, it turns on and then whimpers to a stop and fires up for a few seconds, sounding like it has a short.  I did act proactively and ordered a new control panel, it was $60.  I guess it is not guaranteed to solve my problems, but if it does, it would be much cheaper to spend the $60 than to go buy a new grill at a cost of $500-$600.  The part came in and I tried replacing it, but I got some new weird errors, so I decided to wait until I had some free time to really focus on it.  In the meantime, life goes on.  I started using the charcoal grill again and that can work fine, if you got time and plan a cookout accordingly.  I don't like having to time my cooking around the 2-3 hours the fire lasts from a bag of charcoal.  With the pellet grill, it is just fire it up and the temperature stays consistent as long as it has pellets in the hopper.

    Friday, I felt like making ribs, it had been awhile since we ate them and I figured I could have dinner ready before Wife and Mijo got done with their day.  Instead of making the ribs outside as I would have over the last year, I thought I would try making them inside, to see the difference between grilled and oven cooking.  The ribs turned out very different from what I normally do.  Outside on the grill, the taste is very much grilled, but they also tend to come out dry, but I like them the way they come out.  The ribs from the grill were moist, I wrapped them in foil and even added a little water before I sealed them with brown sugar and other spices.  They were delicious, My biggest critic, Baby A, said they were the best ribs I had made, which was a bit of a stab from the little Shit, because I was saying I prefer to use my grill, he doesn't care as long as food is cooked.

    I then followed Friday night with chili and cornbread on Saturday.  I thought it would be a good meal, considering it was supposed to be cool.  The day was warner than anticipated, but we ate the chili at night, so it still worked out great, specially because we saw Shang-Chi, that new Marvel movie, it was pretty good, on Disney.

    Monday night, Wife had a late meeting at work, so we planned subs and that is what I ate, Wife ended up eating on the road since she got home late, Baby A ate sandwiches, but he didn't use the fancy bread I bought, he just used generic bread.  For tonight (writing this on Tuesday), I bought the stuff to make Spaghetti but Wife said again, she has a meeting, this time with the booster club for the wrestling team.  She suggested I could make the spaghetti and they can eat it as leftovers, I can make it for my lunch.  This almost seems like a slow set up in which I will be making all the meals in the future, since I am home during the day.  Fuck, I need to get myself working on dayshift.

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