Tuesday, October 5, 2021

10/5/21 Worry About You and Yours?

     We are all stuck on this beautiful planet, for now, and so we must make the best (or worst) of it while we can.  Some people prosper and some people shine, others falter and some just whine, but either way, time marches on and what you do and where you are define you.  I don't deny that some seem to have a much greater head start and thus life seems gifted for them.  We don't all get the same treatment and for some, life is a definite challenge.

    I think, for the most part, we here in the US start in the middle, we at least have food, clothing, shelter and opportunity.  We might not all be born rich and pampered but we do all have a chance to get there, and that should be what matters.    I see my family as a system or a tree moving up and things getting better with every generation.  I believe my parents had a better life than their parents, and I think we are lucky to be doing better than our parents.  My whole goal so far has been to have my boys set up and doing better than us.  Maybe there is a plateau, I am not sure, but Boy is at least where we are right now.  He will have his degree by the end of they year, and already has a promising job with a huge company where he will probably surpass me in pay and responsibilities in a short while.  I am excited to see him move up.

    I then see other people, like on TikTok completely failing at life by taking these stands that make no sense.  I saw this 27 year old girl (guy? trans?) whose mom has had enough and wants her out of the house because she doesn't work or do anything productive.  I say do what you want, if you want to identify as a bird, great, but figure out a means to support yourself before you start proclaiming out of the box stuff.  It is great to sit in your parent's house with your green hair and 20 piercings on your face, but the outside world isn't going to be as accommodating.  But if you can find a way to make that work, and some people do, then fine, go for it and live your best life.

    I see a lot of these social justice warrior types that can barely stand on their own feet, but somehow have the energy to stand up and fight for other people, why?  What do you gain out of going out on the street and supporting other people when you can't pay your light bill or rent?  My suggestion is stop the dreaming and focus on you.  Figure out how much you need to survive with a roof over your head and then find a way to get to that target.  If you still have energy to fight for other people after you've worked your 40-60 hours a week, then more power to you.

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