Saturday, October 16, 2021

10/16/21 Joe Rogan Vs. Dr. Sanjay Gupta?

     I am a fan of Rogan and listen to his podcast clips a lot on Youtube.  I don't really listen to the whole show, they just go on too long, same with Adam Carolla, I love his content, but I don't always have time anymore to bog myself down with a 2 hour show.  This past week, Rogan had Dr. Gupta, who is the big medical guy on CNN over for a discussion and I thought what came of it was very interesting.  They discussed everything dealing with Rogan getting Covid19 a couple weeks ago and recovering extremely fast, something that did not sit well with the CNN people.

    I find it a bit disturbing that even in the face of proof that something they find hard to support, CNN still undermines and tries to downplay other options of surviving Covid19.  Rogan is a big anti-vaxxer guy as those on the side of caution for the yet to be FDA approved vaccines have now been dubbed.  Instead, when Rogan got Covid19, he went the route of taking medicines that aren't approved but through some trials and word of mouth, seem to work.  One of the big ones and one I have been on full support after seeing several studies by other doctors on Youtube, notably Dr. John Campbell, is Ivermectin.  He took other medicines, but the net result is what matters, isn't it?  He was better within days, and said he was back in the gym working out within six days.  He tested negative for Covid19 five days later, so he managed to get it out of his system entirely, or to none detect limits.  CNN had a ton of fun at his expense as all the talking heads had a horse medicine joke to use.  It is a fact that Ivermectin is a human medicine used for parasites but also one used for diseases in horse and other livestock.

    It was freaking awesome to see Rogan corner Gupta and ask him "why didn't you clear it up that Ivermectin is also used by humans?"  Dr. Gupta looked like a 3rd grade who forgot his homework and had nothing remotely intelligent to say to Rogan other than agree with him.  He was then on CNN the next day back to agreeing with the other mental midgets on CNN, it was a bit disgusting to see someone turn complete 180 degrees in agreement.  Then he did what all good liberals do and play the victim that he feared Rogan would attack him in the studio, like this man-child who calls himself a doctor has never had a discussion with people who disagree with him, WTF!!!

    My point here is why take a stance and stick to it?  Fine, CNN believes the vaccine protects you, Rogan believes what he did is good for him.  Why can't we live in a world where both are good solutions?  If you are vaccinated for measles, do you worry about people who don't get a measles vaccine?  No, you just say good luck to you, my ass is protected.  How come with Covid19, you want to be protected by having your neighbor take the same vaccine you took?  If it doesn't protect you, why will it protect him?  And worse, we don't know what the after effects of taking an experimental vaccine will do to the human body in a couple years, hope nothing too traumatic.

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