Wednesday, October 13, 2021

10/13/21 Toilet Paper Tablets?

     Wow, I didn't even know these existed.  In my search and viewing of videos to give me ideas for survival stuff if and when we have our next power outage or disaster event, I came upon a video showing toilet paper tablets.  They look like big Alka Seltzer tablets about an inch in diameter and maybe an inch thick.  I am not sure we would need them for the house, but they make so much sense, I will still probably order a box.  The box on Amazon goes for about $35 for a box of 500, which seems cheap to me.  It is essentially a wipe that has been pressure pressed into the shape of a chubby coin and a little water loosens it and releases it into a big square cloth.

    It doesn't seem to make much sense when one is at home, but for a bugout bag, or camping, these would come in handy.  The guy showing them in the video says he uses a match tube (tube where one would normally carry matches) and he can fit as many as 8-9.  If we step back from the idea of it just being toilet paper, having a paper wad like this can be helpful in many situations.  It could be kindling to start a fire, it could be used as a layer of filtering to get drinking water, somebody suggested it could be packed in a nose to stop bleeding.  Because they take up so little space, they just seem like a good idea.

    I can't say they would be my primary paper source here at the house, but how about if they are carried in an empty mini M&M tube (somebody in the comments suggested 16-17 would fit at once) and kept in the car?  You never know when you have an emergency and have to pull over to "go" or even if a liquid is spilt in the car.  The more I think about the possible uses, the more I feel like I need a box of these.  I just went ahead and ordered a box of 300 for $22.99.  They come packaged in 30 tubes which are all sealed and waterproof.

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