Monday, October 18, 2021

10/18/21 Weatherman Needs To Shut Up?

     I was confused last night when I saw a weatherman snap back at a Tik Tok video I had seen a couple weeks ago about a lady warning about another polar vortex situation and to expect another freeze like we had at the start of the year.  He was being a little smug and came across as kind of an asshole laughing at her suggestion we would have another freeze like we did, that she was mostly just trying to cause mass hysteria and scare us.  It seemed a little out of line for him to insinuate us preparing for something that might not happen is a waste of our time.  My takeaway was "why does he laugh at us for wanting to be prepared for an emergency event", it almost seemed like he is bothered that if we do have another freeze, we have ruined it by getting propane heaters and generators to avoid the suffering.

    I personally told Wife I did not want to be in a position where we are at the mercy of the weather and we must then be totally reliant on the government to provide all of our basic necessities, like electricity.  By March, a couple weeks after the freeze, we bought a generator, then when they mentioned to prepare for rolling blackouts, we bought a small air conditioner so we could at least cool one room in the house.  Now that the colder weather is starting, I started preparing by buying a few small propane heaters that are safe to use indoors, along with candles, lanterns, and I started buying 5 gallon water jugs and just storing them in a closet, along with the freezer that we bought at the start of Covid which we keep stocked with meat and stuff.

    Growing up, we have always been warned to have some emergency provisions, I still remember my grandma making a big deal about having water stored in the house when we were changing over from 1999 to 2000, it was a scary time for some.  A lot of people were also scared in 2012, when the Mayan calendar ended which signified they knew the world was ending.  Based in science or not, as the weatherman suggests, how does it hurt to have some emergency supplies?

    Worse case scenario, she could very well be wrong (the Tik Tok lady), but so what, we are better prepared for and when an emergency does arise.  Is it bad to have a generator sitting around your house?  Is it bad to have any other number of supplies if the need arises?  We probably have a 2-3 month supply of toilet paper, who cares, we will continue to use it slowly to wipe our asses, it will get used, we just won't have to be panicking because we are down to our last roll anymore as used to happen quite a bit before we thought stuff might run out.  Same with bars of soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorants, these are all things we can buy that can sit on a shelf at home for a long time.

    If anything, this weatherman struck me as yet another person in power trying to shame us into complying to their whim, we managed to get a little control over something we can't control and he is trying to convince us they (big government) know better and we shouldn't worry.  Waiting for your warning two weeks before the freeze arrives means only a handful of people were able to buy generators, there are only so many on hand at any given time, Idiot.  Waiting for you to warn us leads to stores getting ransacked and the regular person not being able to get food at the last minute.  This is just an instance where, "Fine!"  You may be right, but who cares.  What if you're wrong, yet again?  Then what do you say to the people that decided not to buy that propane heater and their baby freezes to death?  I remember my Mom telling me my Dad (in his 70s) was lethargic and not even wanting to get out of bed or move when they were on their 4th-5th day without power during the freeze, where were your words of wisdom then?

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