Wednesday, October 20, 2021

10/19/21 How Did "Defund The Police" Work Out?

     I find it absurd that we had to actually do the exercise of "defunding the police" to see what the net result would be.  Every major city that had the loudest supporters for this strategy is suffering from its effects.  Chicago is on pace to lose 1000 police officers this year, some of it is of course from the Covid mandates forcing them to get the vaccine that does not guarantee protection, but a lot is from the constant battle of what looks like a third world country atmosphere where the criminals proudly rule the streets.  Austin tried to impress its northern liberal cities by cutting 150 million dollars, something 1/3 of its funding only to see the highest number of assaults, homicides, and all the other things criminals shine at doing.  What I don't understand is why do they need a ballot initiative to increase taxes for the 150 million dollars they want to return to them, we didn't get a refund at the start of the year, that money was already in their (governments) hand.  With "defund the police" we also got the added bonus here in Austin of being told that police will no longer respond to non-life threatening situations, like if your house is burgled.  

    I saw a story yesterday in which a fine New York citizen caused a fender bender, three city workers, the story mockingly called them social workers (that has been the joke, that they could do the job of the officers) approached the car only to have them get beat up with no provocation on their part by the gentleman that caused the car accident.  He then just casually got back in his dented car, flip flops and all, and took off.  We see time and again stories out of California and stores are closing because of this, but since they outright say they are not prosecuting anything under $900, thieves are walking into drug stores, filling up literal trash bags and walking out, nobody is standing up and stopping them.

    I like how New York is trying to brag that overall crime is down, but violent offenses are up.  It's easy to say that crime is down when it is no longer getting reported because there are no cops to do the reports.  Stories out of Seattle are still as ridiculous as ever.  After defunding the police there, now the city council is blaming the police chief for crime increasing and the police force not taking care of business.  The idiot mayor, Durkin, has taken a lot of these police officers that were laid off and hired them as personal security.  Nice for the officers to still have a job and great for her highness to still be protected 24/7, but what about the people of that city?  Well, they did vote for this after all.  They were out on the street in full force chanting "Defund The Police!"  I guess the motto be careful for what you wish for still applies.

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