Tuesday, October 26, 2021

10/26/21 Challenged Somewhat By A Ditzy Chick?

     I thought it was kind of funny when I was talking to some of the gals at the gender reveal party and I let on that I now consider myself a conservative because of the bullshit of the past year.  This set them off  and one of them quickly wanted to put me in my place, but you really need to be equipped to argue, one or two words aren't going to do it.  She came up and got about six inches from my face, to make sure I was listening to her, I guess and asked me a philosophical question "Have you ever known what it's like to be a woman?  I smiled and said "yeah, a couple of years ago, I was a chick, now I am all man."  I looked at her as sarcastically as that sounded, which got her by surprise and brought her back to reality.  She just did a "oooh" and stepped back.  I was ready to get into it, if she wanted to, as I have been told, I argue for sport, so it doesn't bother me, but Wife did want me to behave since we were guests at someone else's home.

    I know the argument was from a feminine perspective, knowing the chick, but because I am married to a real feminist and my mom probably identified as such back in the day, I know their struggle and how far woman has come.  There might still be challenges, but they are nowhere what they were 40-50 years ago.  If you work hard, anyone can succeed, man or woman.  Like it or not, Wife is more successful than me, she had gone farther, gotten more school, and is still on a path that could attain her even higher goals.  What is different from her to any whining feminist arguing for equality?  Wife has shut up and done the work, she has slowly sacrificed, and taken the opportunity, along with the sacrifices that entailed, and she is finally starting to see the rewards that come from doing so.  As she climbs higher, she becomes more entrenched in her job, and we understand that, it is part of what she has gotten into.  The point of this is to say I don't need to hear how hard women have it.  No offense to the chick trying to explain things to me, but shut up, work hard, and look for opportunities to make yourself valuable to those that pay.  Crying and whining about life not being fair will not get you a promotion, working harder than the next chick or dude that wants that job will.

    I actually like this young lady, so I won't get mean, but coming at me when we have been strong and reliable, still married, supportive, loving of our two children and their friends, and always been generous with what we have should make anyone that knows us want to grow up and be like Big Mando, I am fucking awesome.  The proof is in the pudding, you might like your labels, but who is winning at life? 

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