Tuesday, March 30, 2021

3/30/21 Busy Saturday Morning After The Meet? (part 2 of 2)

     We left the Round Rock Outlets around 1:00pm, and before leaving we set the destination on the car's navigation.  I got kind of in a panic and was the victim of more spousal abuse as we were relying on Wife's phone for navigation and after going quietly and efficiently on our way on the highway, when we got off and I actually need to know where to turn in Georgetown in the morning (the most important thing to me is being there in time to see my kid compete), Wife's sister called and they had a long discussion of the first time they baked cookies together and remembering back to when they lived in Milwaukee... actually the sister called to say they were at the school but I needed the info on the phone so I was stuck on repeat "hang up, hang up, hang up, hang up, hang up...."  I know I am annoying, but me turning on the right road is more important than the two of them making memories and chanting jokes.  Wife didn't appreciate me being rude and I got smacked (yet again).  The restaurant was close by and the car navigation took us there by backroads, getting us there in about 15 minutes.

    I guess the Salt Lick is big business now, it isn't just a dive location in Driftwood.  This one is in the grounds or parking lot right next to the Dell Diamond baseball park where the Round Rock Express play.  This whole area looks like a tourist destination.  Right across the street was an indoor water park with various slides sticking out of the walls making for a curious site to stare at.  Since we had a reservation, we were able to get in quickly, and by the time I ran in and out of the restroom to pee, Wife had us situated on our tables.  My in-laws had fallen a couple minutes behind, they lagged behind purchasing something or other.  Eventually, we all sat and ordered pretty good BBQ.  I think some of my briskets have been better, but they do offer the combo of all you can eat brisket, ribs, and sausage.

    We were split between two tables, which did suck, but our table had us and my two in-laws which made for good conversation, although my younger sister in law was cackling away Kamala Harris style over on the other table like she had been taking tequila shots for an hour, still not sure what was so funny.  We had about four servings of their meat (they keep bringing a plate filled with meat until everyone has enough).  I was willing to break my low carb diet for a slice or two of their bread, it is usually just as good as the meat, but this time it was hard, like maybe it was a little old, so I barely ate one slice.

    This was pretty much the day, Wife was going to drive us home as a big meal like this usually puts me right to sleep, but I felt good enough to drive after, so I drove us home and my in-laws went back to San Antonio.  It was perfect, we saw them, had a good time, then they left so I could get home and nap the rest of the afternoon away.

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