Friday, March 12, 2021

3/12/21 Looking at A La-Z-Boy recliner?

     I love looking at purpose made stuff.  I had been telling Wife just recently that I wanted to maybe get a recliner for myself to put in our room since I have discovered I sleep so much better sitting rather than laying down.  We currently have a couple of nice big leather chairs in our room that I have been sleeping parts of the night depending on how much my back is hurting on any given night.  I do like being in bed and laying flat out, our bed even has the motion things to lift the head or feet portions up but since Wife doesn't like that, I don't really use it to sleep.  I have tried it a few times during the week when she is out of town, but if I lift the feet and head a certain amount, I end up falling in the valley and turning myself 90 degrees.  

    The chair is different because there is no give to the sides, the body is kind of locked into the seated position.  We had walked into the La-Z-Boy store before but I thought the prices were a bit expensive for chairs.  Now that I am older and wiser (maybe), I can appreciate the extra cost associated with better technology.  Walking in today, we found out they make chairs with regard to people's height and size.  After walking around and looking at everything, a sales guy approached and I flat out asked him if they had anything for big fat guys.  He quickly pointed to the corner and showed me an assortment of oversized chairs.  At first glance, they don't look like much, nothing fancy to see, really.  The colors are all lame, mostly tans and bland muted earth tones.  After talking with the sales guy, he let us know they can get any of their chairs in any color, it just takes time to special order, specially now in Covid-19 times.

    I was fine with the colors the chairs come in, if I get one it will be in my bedroom.  These are not chairs for the poor, the cheapest they had was over $1000.  I am not sure they are worth the money, but then he flipped it over and started showing me some of the construction, how it is all built on a solid box frame.  They use hardwoods where it matters, and the parts are warrantied for life, I think.  He seemed confidant that any of their chairs would be in service for a good 20-30 years.  I mean according to the guy, these are the type of chairs that are handed down in a family.

    I saw a couple of versions that rock back and forth and then have the lever on the side to kick the legs up.  I didn't realize that after the legs are up, one can lean back and the chair "clicks" back quite a ways.  You end up with your feet above your head, which is supposed to be good for the body.  I am pretty sure I want one of these chairs, but I just have to get around that high price point.  We did go to another furniture store, but after sitting in the chair designed for my size body, it seemed almost cute to sit in a "regular" sized chair.  I didn't have quite the width to spread my legs, the height was a little lower, so it felt I had to almost squat to sit, and my head was awkwardly floating instead of being pampered by the back cushion.  I told Wife I would sleep on it for a day or two (trying not to be so impulsive), so we'll see.

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