Saturday, March 20, 2021

3/20/21 Vacation Was What It Is Supposed To Be? (part 2 of 3)

     The second day started just as lazy as the first one ended.  I got up at 8:00am, but had no internet, so I drank my coffee and looked at my phone for awhile.  I went outside to enjoy the water view, checked on my vehicle, checked its oil, and went back and I guess napped on the sofa with the TV on until Wife woke around 11:00am.  We then went to get some breakfast tacos at the same Mexican restaurant and took them home.  We ate breakfast together on the little table in the dining area which was faced with 4 floor to ceiling windows overlooking the outside, I really loved the view and seeing water right outside.  After we ate, Mijo suggested we hang out and sold it to me with "dad, you look like you need to nap..." I agreed since they were in no hurry and we were kind of waiting on my folks to show up around 5:00pm.

    We all napped and were lazy until about that time, and then we all woke ready to go run around.  We left and it seemed like I timed it perfectly, I had called my folks and they said they were about a half hour away, by the time we left the condo and headed their way, I saw them on the road, turning on the street where their RV park is at.  We all arrived at their park at the same time and we helped them get the RV set up.  This took a little while, but eventually we unhooked the RV from the pickup and they are set for the summer.  We then all jumped in our Telluride, which sits 6, but it was a little cramped in the backseat with our big boy and my brother, who is about my size as well.  We made it work, and we took off to doa more traditional Gallegos vacation.  My parents like to go by the T-heads, we tried to eat at Joe's Crab Shack, but we are still waiting for the text to let us know our table is ready.  The wait was going to be 1.5 hours at 7:15pm.  I suggested we drive around and find another place.  We ended up doing the drive around the bay, and ended up getting on the ferry to cross from Aransas Pass to Port Aransas.  We then drove around Port Aransas and ate at Grumble's Seafood on the Fisherman's Wharf.  I didn't understand why we had to order like animals in line, I told Wife not to leave a tip.  Most of their tables were empty, yet there were 40 people standing in line to order.  It took a while to make it to the front, it was expensive for what we got, but I guess it was good.  I ordered a shrimp burger which also had a fried green tomato, it was delicious but for $16.99, I thought it should have more than 4 small shrimp in it.  All the plates were good, but we all left hungry, I am sure.  After this, we took my folks to our condo so they could see where we were staying at, then eventually took them home.

    We came back around 11:00pm and had a mixed drink or two.  We were hard asleep by 1:00am.  I think I just fell asleep on the sofa and eventually made my way over to the bed later.  This was another good day (Thursday), if not a little slow to get going, but it was laid back.

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