Friday, March 26, 2021

3/26/21 Why Not Let Them All In?

     Why not let all the illegals in (playing a little devil's advocate)?  I don't like the idea of it at all, but if the democrats insist, then they have to own what will come of it.  I figure the majority of them will stay in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.  They have to work somewhere, eventually, and if they become citizens at least we can tax them.  At least Hispanics come in and find work, whether it's doing the jobs nobody wants or the lower unskilled jobs, either way, they will fill a niche.  I don't think I have to worry about them taking my job, or anyone I know.  Fortunately, most of my family was trained in some capacity, either through going to school, or putting in the time.  The only people who should be worried about these people taking over are unskilled laborers who might have to compete to keep their minimum wage type jobs.

    These people, being Hispanic, to me, means they will search out other family that is already here and be a burden on them.  They can't just show up and insist on moving into my house, for example (unless they got tig ole bitties, if you know what I mean).  They will no doubt fare better than the bums living out on our sidewalks so freely, these people aren't making the trip to do that, they can live shitty in their country.  

    I know the concern my brother was bringing up is that this is a ploy to increase the headcount of Democrats voting, but come on, Hispanics don't really get into the whole voting thing.  I have only voted twice, both times lost (Kerry and Trump), so I shan't be doing that anymore.  My philosophy was that those assholes in Washington are going to do whatever they want, my measly vote isn't worth the hassle.  Did anything change by me voting?  No.  The Democrats don't need more voters, they can just manipulate the votes in existence.  Nobody really believes President Potato really was more popular than Trump, no freaking way.  So the idea that this will help them is silly, they already control the voting process.

    This will help make the country more Hispanic though.  An extra 11 million, one of the numbers I heard Biden would make citizens, has to make a dent in the big overall percentages of white versus brown versus black.  I take it in 500 years, if humans still exist, the overall makeup of the average American will be my shade anyway.  The more mixing and matching of all the different people here in 'Merica!, the browner middle America will get.  And from what we hear, these illegals are being delivered like warm pizzas all over the country, so everyone will have a Juan down their street.  That is an America I wouldn't mind.

    And if the whole thing turns to shit, well, it will be too easy to point at President Harris and blame her, come on, no way Potato makes it four years.

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