Friday, December 8, 2017

12/9/17 Small Change?

    Being home last night made me realize everything we do is large scale.  I didn't want to turn on the projector just to watch if AISD was going to shut down because of the snow.  The other option is the plasma TV but then I can't be in the kitchen and I prefer sitting on the kitchen table, so what to do?  Since we bought Boy a new TV a couple months ago, this happened before my pay cut, just saying.  I moved his nice 42" TV to DD's room and took that "small 32" TV and stood it against the wall.  I wasn't sure what to do with it, it is over ten years old, so I don't think I could sell it.  All the other rooms have larger TVs already.
    I had thought about putting one in the kitchen before, but running cable to it seemed like work.  We could get a wireless cable box, and that would solve that problem, but they also don't seem to work that well.  They stream to a point, then stop, possibly until they upload another portion of whatever programming we are watching.  A third option I just realized was using just a stand alone TV with regular rabbit ears to just get the local channels to see the activities happening here in Austin.  This is what I went with.  I used the old TV, got new rabbit ears for $9.95 at Home Depot, and hung the TV above our trash can.  There is very little open wall in the kitchen so this was good.  The only other position was behind where I like to seat, so no, that wasn't going to work.
    I had the frame to hang it on the wall and brackets, but the screws that go into the wall were missing.  I went to Home Depot to look for the long heavy duty screws, which I found and along with that I also got what I needed to do a tune-up on the lawn mower.  It has been awhile and the way it sounds makes me think it really needs one.  I went directly home with my new tune-up set and screws.  Hanging the TV was easy, I have hung them all over the house, all you need is a good stud or two, depending on the weight of the TV.
    I chose where I did primarily because I prefer sitting in the corner of the room.  I could have hung the TV in that corner and it might have been better for viewing from the kitchen and the other chairs, but that would not have helped me.  Now I feel better prepared for a snow day or whatever the weather may throw at us.

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