Tuesday, December 12, 2017

12/12/17 Holiday Shopping?

    Holiday shopping is a beast unto itself.  Luckily, we kind of have a system, or at least a good credit card in the Target card.  I try to avoid using it all year, but come Christmas time, I know that card is going to be the little engine that could.  As usual, we went in there and charged up a good $700 to get most of the "second tier" gifts, that is our parents are primary in that my mother has told me to make with the nice gift and don't be a cheap-o.  Then there is the Santa responsibility which has been wide open but we're trying to corral that in to a manageable level.  I don't want to outright say there is no Santa, it kind of ruins the magic of the holiday, but I also don't want two dopes in their twenties believing in a guy who can deliver gifts to all on the planet.  Next thing you know, they'll start believing in a guy who died for our sins (that he happened to give us in the first place).
    Anyways, Boy said he didn't need much to both of our surprise.  Then he turned around and gave me a few ideas that would easily go past $500.  He suggested new shoes, and maybe some jeans, but something he really wants is track lighting.  He has been buying art and we kind of have poor lighting in our rooms, because they are kind of big and the ceiling fan is not designed to illuminate.  By installing track lighting, he will then be able to add small spotlights exactly where he needs them.  I am kind of looking forward to this project.  We're not talking Monet or Picasso, Boy is obsessed with any comic with a number on it.  If they tell him there are only 20 in existence of a Batman pose, he really needs it.  I roll my eyes a little bit, but at least it's not drugs, and they could end up being worth something, who knows.
    I managed to take care of Wife in the lamest way, she chose her gift, then I took it and got it wrapped at Dillard's, but that way I know she at least will like it and not just say she likes it.  Javalina got the PS4 for his birthday a couple weeks ago, so he is just asking for a handful of video games and some Nerf guns to try and shoot his cousins.  I can't say I can think of anything I want this year.  Maybe, some generic $100 credit cards so I can buy some private Snapchat accounts to see some of these girls I've been previewing get it on, that would be cool, but also a waste of money.  Honestly, I am feeling burned out, I want a week off, pronto!

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