Tuesday, December 19, 2017

12/19/17 Chestnuts Roasting By The Mall Heaters?

    Whoever is in charge of the mall heaters should be kicked in the balls every half hour from September through April.  There is no freaking reason to run the heat the way they do, specially you, Macy's.  First off, we start the day at our house, not in one of your bed stores.  We all bundle up because it is slightly cool outside.  I was even wearing shorts, but I did put on my light sweater, just in case.  We head to the mall because that is where we find everything, but that means that Christmas time is really the only time the malls fill up with stinky warm people.  Back when the boys were small, we could at least take off the jackets and shove them into the stroller, one of the few things kids are good for.  Without a stroller, we are left to either carry the jacket in our arms, like we are fancy, wrap them around our waist, like we are animals, or hang them off our shoulders, like we own a fancy anything.  What are they thinking?  We dress to go outdoors, there is not a single person walking around the mall in a bikini or any kind of summer wear, for that matter.  Turn off the heat, once 9:00 or 10:00am rolls around and the mall is at 90% capacity.
    I kind of like Macy's, they tend to have good coupons and decent sections with purses and other crap for other people.  But if it is 90 degrees in there, I can't focus on anything other than the heat.  I managed to take my sweater off and hang it from my shoulders, instantly feeling like a douche, but it still captured too much heat.  They would be doing themselves a favor as heat costs money in the winter if they paid attention and turned it off.  Sorry to say, but we didn't buy anything at Macy's and the credit card was at 0 balance, so it was perfect for Wife to attack.
    Oh well, we had better luck at Abercrombie actually, the whole store was 50% off, making everything just affordable enough, to me.  The store wasn't cranking any heat, so I was a tad more relaxed too.  I noticed on our way out, Dillard's was actually cool, I guess that is where the smart people work.
    I noticed at home, we installed one of those thermostats that you can monitor with your phone, and it is supposed to be smart, but the past few days the heater upstairs has been running at 75.  The boys keep insisting it is not them, and Wife prefers to have the windows open even if it is freezing, so it is not her.  Maybe our heaters are becoming sentient, maybe they are trying to cook us alive, like the frog in the pot where you slowly raise the temperature and it doesn't realize it is being cooked.  That's how I felt at the mall anyways, on Sunday.

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