Thursday, December 21, 2017

12/21/17 Help Me Santa, Help, Help Me Santa?

    It seems a weird thing to have Christmas on a Sunday night.  Usually, the kids are given two full weeks off, instead of this mess we have been presented with here.  Javalina started his Christmas break today (Wednesday), while Wife starts hers on Friday.  I prefer them to be the same, but instead our boy will have to start school in the middle of the week (in two weeks) while Wife hangs out for a few more days.  Javalina is older, so it doesn't hurt as much, but still, it seems like families should be together when there is no school.  Wife works in a school district so far away that they don't look to AISD to align with it.  I am proud of Boy who finished his classes and told us he was going to work as much as possible this Christmas break.  He told me yesterday he was already at 45 hours for the week and had until Thursday to get more OT hours.  Last year he talked about it, but never got going, thank goodness for the success of Star Wars, it keeps people going to the expensive theatres.
    This whole week has seemed like an exercise in self preservation.  I am feeling run down, there is barely any work, our big bosses did not commit to any type of party, but people are bringing food and getting together during the day.  Most of us have been working together at least twenty years, of course there is some semblance of family and love for each other around here.  We just go through the motions of doing work, but I think even the managers know this is a time to slow down and reflect a bit.  Wife says they are basically the same going from one party with the teachers to one with the administrators, to food being taken and served for this and that, there is no learning going on this week.
    All this is fine, except Wife should be here already, she is the one who makes it feel like the holidays.  She will buy a Swiss Colony Beef Log and tear into if only because it is what you do this time of year.  I will buy the Ritz crackers but by myself  I will only go as far as eating them with peanut butter.  Wife knows a proper sit down with one of those sausage things requires cheese and olives and some Christmas movie we've seen ten times.  Two more days!
    At least it looks like it will be cold, forecast is calling for highs in the 50's and lows in the low 30's.  That is perfect for me.  We have had some Christmas times when it is 80 degrees and that just sucks balls.  I understand Texans rarely get snow, even if we did get some last week, but man, at least let it be cool enough to enjoy heating food in the oven without having to blast the air conditioner.

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