Wednesday, December 27, 2017

12/27/17 Living In A World Of Men?

    I love the fact that I have two boys as my offspring.  I believe life has been so much easier because of this and I wouldn't want it any other way.  For a second or two, I'll admit, Girlie gave me the feeling that maybe having a girl would have been nice, but after interacting with her and looking around, I have made peace with life as is and decided this is cake.
    Living in a world of men is just my way of saying we live in a biased world, men have an advantage, not because of me, I am just stating what seems like fact.  On occasion, my mom wants to complain that my boys don't look presentable or that it looks like a cow chewed on them before heading out of the house.  As boys, half the time, they don't notice and half the time they don't care.  That right there is already an advantage that pays huge dividends.  For a time, Boy was wanting to dress in suits and looking sharp was his thing in high school.  I went along with it, mostly to assure myself he wasn't aligning himself with some shitty gang.  He was an original and I liked it that way.  As soon as he started college, he gave up the look and has settled into his current look of jeans and some sort of dark shirt.  He looks the same pretty much every day, but since he is in college, I don't care and neither does he.  Javalina has a dress code and this year it is a white polo with tan or navy shorts or pants.  It is an easy look and neither is breaking the bank.
    If either was a girl, they would be knee deep in make-up and what they looked like, not to mention shoes and clothes.  Honestly, who gives a shit that Johnny thinks this or that?  But that is how girls run their lives at a certain age, not all, but enough of them.  I kind of worry for my niece, she is at that age, almost going into high school, asking for make-up for Christmas, wearing the same stuff that Girlie was obsessed with.  Honestly, I liked Girlie's face better without all the clown shit, but nobody is going to convince a girl not to wear make-up once she starts on that path.
    How can we expect the females to compete with the males when you throw in challenging shit like calculus or even physics and a gal is more worried if her hips look like a Kardashian's?  As a perv, I appreciate all the effort, but is that it?  Your goal is to look hot enough to make an old goat like me pay attention?  Bravo.  I don't think the same girl that is worried if her eyeliner is on fleek or whatever the idiots say is the same girl that also competes in the STEM world.  As a modern day perv, I will look at the girls with the fancy make-up wonder where daddy failed you and fantasize what it would take for you to call me daddi.  On the other hand, show me a lady who can succeed in a world of men and you have my respect and I am probably honored to work with you.

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