Wednesday, December 13, 2017

12/13/17 Thought About A Shotgun?

    We still live in a nice neighborhood and zombies aren't running around like TV wants us to believe, but somehow over the last 10-20 years I have been changed from being anti-gun to wanting to carry a gun like a cowboy on my belt.  Maybe that is still a little extreme, but if we pay attention to the news almost daily, somewhere in the US there is a need to be carrying some sort of "force multiplier" as I have heard them called.  If we were in Brazil, it looks like you need armed gunmen just to go buy a soda, shit really sucks down there, according to YouTube videos.
    Point is, I went looking, just for curiosity at what kinds of shotguns I could get my hands on.  There are three main sizes in ammunition.  The sizes are .410 (very small shell, looks like a cigarette), 12 gauge, medium size, and 20 gauge, the largest sized shells.  I really want to like the tiny shells.  There are even some of the larger handguns that instead of a bullet, will shoot a slug or a shell composed of buckshot or many other things.  That is another choice to make.  What do you load a gun with?  Should it just be filled with legal killing ammo or should I try something like a rubber slug?  I got a surprising but reasonable answer from one of the sales guys at Cabela's.  He said "
if you make the decision to buy a gun to shoot somebody to protect yourself, then you have to shoot to kill."  In this shitty times of lawyers ruin everything, if somebody breaks into your house, intends to steal and possibly harm you, you maim them to protect yourself, but you want to be nice and spare their life, they might come back and  sue you for way more than they could have carried in both arms."  Truthfully, we live in shitty times, when the bad guys have rights comparable to the good guys and everyone has their fair day in court.
    I actually found the rubber bullets I was thinking about, I hate the idea of taking someone's life or Javalina picking up the gun and accidentally shooting himself or another loved one, but what the sales guy said hit really close to my wallet.  I guess I can wait on getting a weapon.  I love the look of the .50 caliber revolver, it is just huge, but I am afraid it would kick itself out of my hands and this is a handgun.  I'd like a shotgun that is only as long as my shoulders, so I can tuck it towards myself yet move around the house, if I should decide to go this route.  Javalina thinks it should be a shotgun for the both of us since he is "protecting" the house more time than me.  He says he is ready to sleep with a shotgun next to him.  I don't know about that, he looks scary enough when we get home and he is pacing around with a sword.  With a gun, he might shoot first and ask questions second.

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