Sunday, October 22, 2017

10/22/17 Is Lucifer Good Or Bad?

    I admit, I have been watching Lucifer the past two seasons and entering its third I am starting to agree with his theory that he is just misunderstood and he really is a good guy.  Logically, we cannot have it both ways, per what we use Satan for.  Is he the failed angel who attempted to overthrow Daddy and when he failed was cast down to Hell or is he the scary monster demon who takes care of Hell punishing anybody who breaks the laws as determined by the bible, such as eating pork and seashell animals.  This is only using logic, not exactly from reading anything more than common sense and what we know.
    Lucifer has been told in the show that he is to take care of hell and he has been doing it.  In the show, he has had a breakdown of sorts and escaped hell to hang out in Los Angeles, hiding in plain sight as an owner of a popular nightclub.  He admits he has been punishing those that desrve it and that all so far sounds believable, if we're the believable sort.  There is even an episode where he goes back to hell looking for a doctor and his hell is not exactly brim and firestone but he has his soul experiencing a scene where he has hurt someone and tries to escape and a horde of people come to attack him.  It starts over and over and over, great, but if Lucifer is responsible, then he is doing precisely as God has ordered, making him a good son that does as he is told.  If he was a monster, why would he be so quick to punish those that lived life like he would approve, such as breaking the law, harming others, being selfish?  In order for the punisher to punish, he needs to be above the prisoner, otherwise, Hell has no proper structure.
    I think if there did exist a Hell and it was managed by an ex-angel, it would have to be a very good one.  A very good angel would see to it that anybody deserving of living in hell, also deserved to be punished properly.  Then we could believe in the nine circles of Hell and stuff like that, where the worse human you are, the worse the punishment bestowed to you.  What is in it for a devil who was cast down by God to do what God commands?  Wouldn't he want to throw the proverbial finger and maybe even do the opposite?  "All you did on Earth was party and get high?"  "right on, let's get drunk, tell me some stories of you "roofy"-ing girls distracted on their cell phones, it's gotta be easy nowadays..." would be the response of a bored demon who did what he wanted.
    I like this caveat also that Wife gave me this morning.  On Supernatural, she says a Satan character also comes out and he is talking about man having free will, and if we do have free will, then we cannot blame the devil on the shitty choices we make.  We need to accept that there are plenty of "Shit" humans on earth.  I think if these cretins really believed in a hell existing, they would behave better than they do.

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