Thursday, October 19, 2017

10/19/17 Raising Apex Hunters?

    I should know that I am more than a hammer.  A good technician knows that not all repairs are done with the same tool and most importantly, rarely is a hammer the right tool.  That being said, I have proudly been raising meat eating, future alphas, take no names, take no prisoner, unforgiving apex hunters.  I don't care that they occasionally take a stab at me as I make the rounds and feed them their diets of assorted meats, computers, and thoughts.  Where Boy is like a hawk or an eagle, quiet and methodical, he will silently take from the land that which is given to inattention and recklessness, he will always be a sight to behold seemingly staying away from a direct fight but close enough to keep you on edge.  Chubs, I believe is more traditional, like a silver back gorilla, his gaze will surely freeze you and his massiveness will most certainly melt you into oblivion.  His territory will be unquestioned and his conquests will know his fury.  Shoot, even Wife has progressed farther than I thought, as she is taking on the attitude of a great white shark, ever searching for wrongs to use as entry points and devour to keep her ocean clean of the weak.
    My problem is there is no such thing as a killer butterfly.  I have been trying to help people get ahead in life the only way I know.  I push for you to go to your strengths and use them to make a living.  Boy is about a year away from becoming an engineer, he is studying circuits and design, and even though I have been in the field for twenty years, he is doing something totally different, I don't understand half the things he is talking about, but as long as he does, it's all good.  It seems when pushed, some people are more interested in the way they are pushed than the reason they are pushed.  I have one way I look at life regardless of who I am looking for, make yourself useful.  Being critical of today when and where you have all the basic needs taken care of is thoughtless when you could find yourself in a tomorrow where you are ill prepared to provide for you.  I am either way more tolerant, patient, stupid, or an actual tool, but I give people space to stretch their wings when I believe in them, we've gone through this before.  Hell, I may be waiting for the metamorphosis to see the beauty of the adult butterfly in all its glory when in fact I have just been nurturing a slug.  Oops.
    I am feeling the winds of change and maybe that is a good thing.  I am always going to be in the driver's seat keeping my path true to the north star.  Your path may surely be more fun the minute you stop following my light, but don't be surprised if you end up where you were in the past, copying and resorting to living like your kind.  I kept showing you the door to a better place, you insist that it is a trap, well, stay locked up as this train moves down the way, good luck.  Remember, not all that give advice, give it for the good of the receiver, some give advice that benefits only them.

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