Thursday, October 12, 2017

10/12/17 Different?

    I guess it is a good solution in humans that the man is pretty much always ready to copulate while the woman rarely is.  I am pretty much declaring myself back to normal, as far as my testosterone levels, so that might be part of it, but I can't help it.  This morning I am driving to drop off Chubs at school and see a gal, maybe mid twenties, walking a dog in the neighborhood adjacent to the school.  I am not so gross that I start grabbing myself or catcalling, but I do think why can't we just lock eyes, quick smile, quick bang, and drop you off where you were to continue with your dog pooping or whatever reason you were out walking.  The truth is she probably hasn't even showered and taken her morning shit herself, if women even poop as often as men, I don't know.  She probably glanced up, saw my fat ass in my old Excursion and just tightened up thinking creepy guy keep moving, act like you see nothing...
    I would never bother a person that I didn't know like that, I am too scared of getting in any kind of trouble, but that doesn't stop the constant fantasizing in my head.  I guess that is my point.  Why are men always stuck thinking about the next sexual conquest.  I know, I'm married, I don't have anyone else to conquer.  Yeah, maybe in real life, but in my head, I am a super man with super libido!  Makes me miss the idea of the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, in the football game, it was the Aggies and Horns playing and the winners got treated to a house of whores, I mean that respectfully, of course.  I know Wife is spread a little thin running back and forth because of her job, but man do I hate being told no or I don't feel like it tonight.  It's like dammit, you're only here a couple nights a week, glad that is changing in less than a month.  But if there was a chicken ranch nearby, I would hope they would take Visa or MasterCard.
    I have never met a girl that thinks like a dude in that she is always occupied with dirty thoughts.  Most every guy I have known over the years, on the other hand, has had a love of porn, and dirty mags.  In fact, I worry more about guys who are not fascinated by images of a naked college coed.  What must go through their head that the most beautiful image ever created on full display does not invite him to feast his eyes.  I understand being gay and this isn't your thing, but how about the simple minded who get indoctrined by their religious beliefs that this is wrong somehow?  No programming in the world could convince me if I saw a juicy piece of steak on a grill sizzling and smoking that it was not delicious, yet that is what happens to simpletons, they get convinced that what their animal instincts want to enjoy is wrong or shameful somehow.
    I loved the story when Bin Laden was finally caught in that compound, and maybe it was made up, but that there were porn videos everywhere.  That is just so awesome, an idiot fighting against our awful American ways, yet in his last stand where he died, I can imagine a soldier accidentally kicking a copy of Debbie Does Dallas accidentally against his dead body.  Leaders are always the same, "Do as I say, not as I do."

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