Sunday, October 15, 2017

10/16/17 Fiesta Texas 2017 Edition?

    These companies are getting smarter, I guess.  Much like the cell phones we pay for the life of the contract, and don't try to tell me they really cost $1000 to produce.  So too has Fiesta Texas figured out we are stupid enough to pay for their season passes on a monthly basis.  What a sham of a scam.
    Wife brought it up a couple days ago which I quickly said no!  She keeps talking about cutting our spending habits then suggesting this or that for the low low price of $29.99, or whatever.  She phrased it as "do you want season passes?"  No, I like the idea of Fiesta Texas but I don't like the bullshit, such as they only have crappy food and it is getting on the ridiculous side of expensive.  Well, back to the tickets, I have a comment on that.  She asked me Tuesday or Wednesday, I said no.  Then while driving up Thursday we got into a long conversation and she brought it up again, which I again said I don't want them, thanks.  She kept on talking for another twenty minutes and then a third round "so, are you going to want the Fiesta Texas tickets?"  At what point do I determine she either wants the tickets or she is mildly brain damaged?  I then turned it on her "do you want the tickets because I already said no like 3 times and here we are still discussing them.  Here she goes all woman and starts spinning "no, I thought it would be nice if you would want them so we could go out there with your family?  If we buy them now, we get them through next year."  I said I don't care, my family hasn't called that they are going, I have no other motivation to go.
    Long story short, we are on the hook for payments of $27 or something like that for a year or something.  It wasn't very clear and I wasn't paying attention.  We honestly didn't even make it all the way around the park.  I stupidly decided to wear jeans and I was burning up, it was over 90 degrees.  My dad barely likes to walk and he bitched and moaned with every step.  I still don't know why he doesn't carry some nicotine gum, even if he isn't going to quit smoking at this point, there are some situations where he could at least pop a gum and feel a little more relaxed. When we got out of one of the concert thingies, he was scrambling to get away from everybody, clearly he wanted a smoke break, but they don't allow smoking so he didn't bring any cigarettes with him.  Because he doesn't have his smokes, he gets bitchy, I say my Mom should have a box of cigarettes in her purse at all times, just to keep the baby calmed down.
    My sister showed up eventually, but they had friends with them, and did not hang out with us.  The whole thing was a little weird because once I was convinced to go, I wanted to experience the Halloween edition, but nothing real Halloweenie was happening until the sun went down, I guess.  Unfortunately, I was ready to leave by 6:30pm, dying of heat, and feeling bloated from eating too much pizza.  Truth is, we need to get out and do lame stuff like this more often.  It seems we spend all our time focused around school and work, we almost forget those are just things to an end.  We're supposed to be enjoying ourselves as much as we put in time to working.  I guess since we got them now we have to make our way down and enjoy the park more often.

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