Friday, March 6, 2015

3/6/15 Story Of My Scar?

    I have a large scar on my hip.  I don't ever mention it, unless people see it, and since it is on my hip, hardly anyone ever sees it.  I could be a little bitch and say it was my brother's fault, but I never blamed him, it was just one of those things that happens growing up.
   My brother and I used to be thrown in the shower together, I was in third grade, guess that would have made me about nine, Chubs is in fourth and he is ten.  Anyway, my brother being three years younger would have been about six.  It was kind of a cold night and we were fighting over the warm water.  Our shower back home had glass doors, I don't know how exactly it happened, but in our wrestling for the warm water, I ended up falling through one of the glass doors, I remember falling butt first and I caught myself with my feet still in the shower, and my arms kind of caught with the toilet.  I look down and there's a huge triangle of glass going into my left side at the hip. 
    At this point, it gets murky, but I do believe my brother started screaming for my mom, luckily my dad had just gotten home from work.  I think I managed to get myself up, at least into the shower, probably in shock trying to wash off the blood, maybe I blacked out a bit, it took awhile for my folks to react, but I remember seeing the white of bone on my side and not wanting to see again.  My dad somehow carried me to the car and luckily, the clinic about 4-5 blocks away had a doctor there and he proceeded to stitch me up.
    We were there a good while, I remember my brother passing by the door rolling where I was being stitched, he was playing with a wheel chair out in the hallway.  It took something like 37 stitches, I remember something about 30 short ones and 7 long ones or vice versa.  I must have been real lucky as nothing important was cut.  Maybe it helped that I was a fat kid, and it just cut fat.  Either way, I didn't end up with a limp or needing blood transfusions or anything like that.  I do however have the scar, it is about 7-8 inches long.  It seemed bigger when I was younger.
    It has to have been in April or May because I was pulled out of school and missed about a month.  For the longest time, the scar would itch like crazy at times, and I was always scared to touch it and have it explode open although it never did, but it is one of those things that happened and we moved forward.

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