Monday, January 19, 2015

1/19/15 How Far To Chase A Burger?

    Tonight we drove to North Austin in search of a burger.  My wife saw an add for Red Robin and we then decided that is where we needed to eat.  The burgers are delicious, but we could have had a good burger a mile away from the house at Whataburger and saved $10 just on not paying a tip.  But there we were, following directions on our phone and when the phone failed us (location was closed), Wife remembered she saw it by I-35, we drove by gut instinct and found it.  Before going to eat, we went to Fry's because we were close to it and Boy loves that place.  I have decided it's too much like a bordertown warehouse store.  Everything's out and there's some savings to be had, but you'll feel dirty when you leave there.  Only purchase we did was Chubs got a Pokemon movie for $6.99.  As I'm writing this at 3:00am, he just came in the room all teary-eyed because that's what happens when you watch Pokemon movies.  I told him to turn it off and watch a regular cartoon to get over it, then go to sleep.
    Anyways, getting back to our dinner, Red Robin was almost empty around 9:15pm, which is how I prefer to eat, but 20 minutes after we sat down a huge group of mexicans came in, about 35-40 strong and took up all the tables around us.  When I saw them putting all the tables together I thought great, some high school basketball team or something organized was coming in, but no one in the party was dressed indicating an event, still made me uncomfortable, why do people travel in such huge packs?  We finished eating our meal, it was good, but I think I pushed the bottomless fries too much, as I told the waittress to start the fries coming when we ordered our drinks.  I love me some fries, but 3 rounds of fries and then a fourth with the meal, just seems excessive.  Maybe they shouldn't advertise "never ending fries".  I still taste them in my burp 5-6 hours later, ughhhh.
    There used to be a Red Robin down in south Austin, but it closed down.  Occasionally, we eat at the one on 1604 and I-35 coming out of San Antonio.  This was the first time we ate at this one, on Parmer Lane.  It was OK, I just don't like how the freeway is laid out up there.  There is an exit every mile or so, and if you miss your exit, you have to go a great distance to make a u-turn around the freeway.
    This also reminds me of when my Dad and Mom come up.  My Mom wants to try new places every time, my Dad would just prefer the closest thing by the house so he didn't have to be bothered too much.  Every time we get in the car, "how far are you taking us this time to eat dinner?" or "Shit Junior, I don't want to drive around for two hours just so you can take us to eat dinner, there's boxing on ESPN6 at midnight and I would rather be watching that."  We just usually laugh him off, because he would be content with a peanut butter/jelly sandwich until after the meal, which then he will say "oh, that was very good."
    Oh well, it was a Saturday night, we drove up like a family, did a little fun family arguing at Fry's,  the four of us ate together, it was a good night.  I did have the thought of grilling during the day, but it cooled off pretty quickly once the sun went down and the last thing I wanted to do was relapse sick a third weekend for standing around out in the cold by the grill.  Maybe next weekend, if the weather holds up.

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