Monday, August 15, 2022

8/14/22 Senior Sunrise?

     One of our busier weekends even had us up at 4:30am.  On Sunday, they had the Senior sunrise, which is simply enough getting together on campus, at the football field and watching the sun come up, signifying their year as seniors just started.  Honestly, there wasn't much for us to do other than showing up.  The hardest part was waking up the big knucklehead.  He likes to stay up late on his phone or video games every chance he gets, and it was technically Saturday night.  He said he thought the house was on fire when I came, knockled on his door and yelled at him to be ready in 15 minutes, no time to take his one-hour shower, or the sun will be up.  We were out the door by 540am, but we did need to go pick up his friends.  During the day sometimes it takes up to 40 minutes, but I guess with no traffic it went much faster.

    Knowing we had time, after we got them, I did drive around the school looking for an open store to buy some sodas or something, but to no luck.  By the time we pulled up, the old senior sponsor from last year, she has taken up another job, and the new senior sponsor were there, setting up a bit.  They had a table with some snacks and at least they opened the little shack where the football pylons and other field equipment is kept so we had some light where we sat.

    Other than getting our beach chairs out and setting them up by the track, we didn't have much to do.  When the booster club person who pushes us to do stuff showed up, we went to help her get the coolers and stuff off.  They talked of setting up games and doing tie dye shirts, but the kids only seemed interested in breaking up into their little friend groups and talking.  Mijo and his friends walked a couple laps, Wife tried taking a sad picture of them walking away from us as if they are leaving us, but I told her tocut it out with the sappiness.

    They all lined up at exactly when the sun was at sunrise, 6:57am and then we took a few pictures.  There was the group picture, then people took smaller pics with their friends, and finally we all started to leave.  The activity ended with us going to eat breakfast at Garcia's, which was nice with Mijo bringing his GF and a couple of friends.

    This really did feel like a separate part of the day, we got home and slept until 1:00pm after that.  Then we went school shopping for Mijo.

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