Monday, August 1, 2022

8/1/22 Mijo The Savage?

     Baby A had a sort of birthday party for one of his close friends on Sunday and this boy does not disappoint.  Within five minutes of letting them in the door, they were making their way to our weightroom to run through some reps on the bench.  For some weird reason anytime one of his friends comes over, they have to go check who is the stronger of the boys.  All morning long, Wife kept repeating the phrase "I don't want to see you wrestling, your knee is injured, and you need to stay off it for a while."  It seems he merely waited for Wife to go upstairs to take a shower and then it was on.

    We ate our dinner which was the brisket, chicken, burgers and sausages that we made around 7:00pm.  The boys then had nothing better to do than wrestle.  He even went and brought down his mats, he has two 4x10 ft mats that attach to each other with Velcro edges.  These fit just perfectly against the wall in front of the sofa in the living room.  I was kind of looking at them and yelling constantly to be careful and not fall onto the subwoofer, or the other furniture in the room.  Since Wife was in the shower, he proceeded to take over the wrestling and he looked like a shark after the shark finds a blood trail.  They all got all sweaty and gross, and whether wrestler or not, they all took turns fighting.  Honestly, the only one that can almost challenge him is the other heavy, the birthday boy, who fought JV this past year, there can only be one varsity fighter per weight class.  His other friend who fights at 150 loves to fight him, but Mijo outweighs him 100 pounds, so when he gets tired of the smaller friend trying different moves, he just muscles him and falls down to pin him.  The other three boys don't have training and it really seems dangerous to let them get on the mat against our husky boy, he could really hurt someone if he didn't take it easy on them.

    Once they had all gotten beat by him, he basically started begging for someone to wrestle him.  None of the boys wanted a 2nd round of getting beat, so he was left with no choice but to beg them to fight him.  Then he started boasting that he could wrestle two of them at once.  Then he went ridiculous saying he would wrestle all of them, to which they said no, we'll all just attack different limbs and take you down, to which he responded "no, I'll use Veggie boy (I am assuming he is vegetarian because he looks like he weighs about 120), grab him by the legs and use him as a bat to knock you all out.  It sounded so savage and ridiculous, but with the look on his face, I don't think he was joking at that moment.  It took Mama coming in with the wooden spatula and threatening to hit him with it, to even get him out of his fugue state, after she had showered and come back downstairs.

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