Monday, February 1, 2021

2/2/21 Biden Is A Potato?

     It blows my mind how off center we have gotten, I can't imagine even the leftiest of feminists can think this new executive order from Biden allowing trans men to compete in the arena of women's sports is a worthy cause to celebrate.  People on the right keep dissecting this and coming to the conclusion that this will or has already ruined women's sports.  First off, I don't have a daughter and my niece is not really interested in sports like that, so I don't have a horse in this race, it is perfectly fine by me if trans men take a foothold of women's sports and turn it into a farce.  As has been discussed, a totally accomplished runner, Allyson Felix, who has won more Olympic medals than Usain Bolt holds a time in the 400 meter run that in 2018 could be bested by 300 high school boys.  This doesn't even include the college population and post school, as Olympiads can compete into their 30's and even 40's, in some categories.

    Personally, I don't think it is fair to compare men to women, we are not the same and I am not trying to demean women in any way, this is just a fact.  Men are built with different hips, have more muscle mass, testosterone runs through our blood making us more prone to take risks and do the impossible in moments of heroism.  It is not a two way street, if a woman wants to compete with men, that is fine by me all day long.  The little kicker that made news a couple months ago with Vanderbilt was seen as a hero for getting on the field with a D1 football team, but as a kicker of field goals, she wasn't really called into playing football, she was just doing soccer in place.  Let's see the girlie get involved in a tackle and see if she can walk away unscathed.  I see my son play and I can play around and block him here at home for a second or two, but I wouldn't want to take him on in pads coming at me with a head of steam, all 250 pounds of vim and vigor.  If little Miss kicker thinks she's a football player, go ahead line up and be a team player, see how long before they cart you off the field.

    It is totally different when it's a man playing in a women's sport.  He will not be oversized, and I know there are some women playing basketball that are super tall, some can even dunk a ball, but that doesn't mean they could hang with a man of the same or similar physique, the trans man will win because he has innate qualities like a bigger heart, more red blood cells, thicker muscles, faster recovery times, that just make competing against each other unfair.  

    If the left has decided that this is the way though, let it be.  Who will be crying to the government to "fix" this in ten years when all or most women's records are held by trans men in track and field?  This has already started, so yes, it will happen, I am not just doing some wishful thinking.  I don't want to see women get humiliated on the field, but I think it will help in shutting up the feminists that keep insisting "anything you can do, we can do better."  I imagine those feminists are holding quiet right now because they have gotten what they wanted, equality for all.  I will agree we are there when women have to sign up for the draft at 18, you know, like men have to.  I don't think anyone on the left is going to fight for this equality though.

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