Saturday, February 6, 2021

2/6/21 Should We Vacation During Spring Break?

     Baby A is really a different animal.  Wife was trying to get all hyped up last night on the way back from visiting my folks.  It is a three hour drive and she was trying to get our son excited about doing something for the upcoming Spring Break in March, next month.  Wife just got her Covid-19 shot, I had Covid, so there isn't a big fear for us in getting it, we figure we can get Mijo vaccinated this month.  Wife suggested since we bought those kayaks that we could try to go fishing, maybe even buy a big tent or maybe even two tents and we can go camping and our son can bring some friends and they can sleep in the second tent.  Mijo was like "wait wait wait, why do we have to stay in a tent, that doesn't sound like fun, I mean it might be hot or cold, I need electricity and internet..."  Knowing he wasn't into it, I had to add "come on, so you can experience what it's like for all the bums living in tents, maybe we can set up somewhere under Ben White Blvd."  My son's face was having none of that.

    He then brought up "why would I want to leave my house with all my stuff, like my bed, my room with my video games, a bathroom to poop, my shower..."  This boy does not want to be inconvenienced at all.  I think he is infectious because I then spent a bit looking at hotels to stay at and couldn't help but think "why do I want to pay $200 a night to sleep away from home, piss away $1000 on hotels when we could stay at home and spend half of that money on some really good steaks and just cook them at home.  We could go to the area lakes during the day and be home by night.  We could even run to the SA Zoo or stuff like that and be home by night."  I loved having an RV and parking that in Corpus Christi a few years ago when we were living that life, but now that we don't even own a truck, I can't imagine that life anymore.

    Part of this is of course Covid-19 has us all living and thinking differently, it used to be I loved being out of the house, now we just accept it as our fortress of solitude and safety.  It used to be we were at the mall weekly, and the idea of discovering a new mall was always a new and fun thing to do, now I think we've been to the mall twice in the past year and I believe I have broken my love for being out amongst all the people and stuff we don't really need.  I don't know how we are going to get the economy going again and getting regular Americans to spend like we used to after Covid-19 goes away, if it ever does.  I kind of see the mall as a little frivolous and wasteful.  

    I don't know, maybe in the coming weeks Wife manages to get us excited and we end up renting a hotel just because.  Mijo did say he enjoyed the last time we went to Houston, when Wife had a conference and he and I slept in and we were just lazy in the room.  He was suggesting we go back to that hotel and stay like we did, so we could see Houston a bit and get out of the house, but not loose any of the comforts that he needs, like indoor plumbing, snacks and a pool.

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