Sunday, February 7, 2021

2/8/21 Violence Has Crept Into My House!?!?

     I was left shell shocked, it was the first time I have ever been struck by another human and No Sir, I Did Not Like It.  My arm was left bruised and I lost all sensation for what seemed like hours.  Still today, I can see the purple fingerprints of her swatting hand imprinted on my soft human skin.  I now know the feeling of betrayal, how the bullied feel when the bully shows up, even a touch of PTSD, I might need counseling.

    Turns out Wife has a short fuse and she ain't playing around.  I was working diligently on our bills making sure I didn't forget anything.  She, in her own world and obsessed with what is important to her demanded my attention.  I was working with bead sweat on my forehead, with my little green bankers visor I wear when doing bills and because I wasn't fast enough to give her my full attention, the wrath of God himself came falling down on me.  For a second, I didn't know if I was catatonic in a nightmare or if I had finally cashed in all my chips and died sitting there on the chair.  It happened so fast and so unexpectedly, I never had a chance to respond.  I have never been a violent man, never lifted a finger against my Wife, but there she was in full alpha display, putting me in my place and teaching me what fear is all about.

    I looked at her with tears in my eyes and asked a whimpering "why?  Oh why would you do that?"  I am but a little boy doing the best I can with the few faculties our fine Lord has allowed me.  Have I failed you my steward, have I displeased you in some way?  With Hell in her eyes, she did not back down, this is a tidal change and I now fear even breathing too deeply around her, for she might strike again.  Once a beast has been released, can it be brought back under control?

    Truth is, I was being a dick, as you all had already guessed because Wife is good people.  I was trying to get some paperwork in order because we are trying to refinance our house and she was wanting me to double check that she was asking Boy (he has a bad habit of using my credit card on Amazon to order stuff, so I wanted her to ask him for the money via Paypal) for the right amount.  In normal fashion, I responded in a huff because me saying $158 2-3 times should be enough, why do I have to then look at her phone?  I think I finally got under her skin and she swatted me like I had a mosquito on my arm, I laughed inside but of course I acted like she had just stabbed me and I have been acting hurt now for a day and a half.  I guess that's how I learn, sometimes a "chingaso" fixes all.

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