Saturday, February 6, 2021

2/5/21 Visiting My Folks On A Friday?

     Yesterday got away from me, I never got a chance to sit and write anything because the day was just too fast.  Normally, if I know we are going to travel, I might write a couple of extra blogs ahead of time so I can relax while away from home.  Being that I worked Thursday night and then Wife was here for a training, I got home from work and was instantly pulled into her world, you know women, "sit with me and love me..." I joke, I love the times we share but it takes me away from my routines.

    We had discussed that because she was here for trainings (she was renewing her CDL license) but had to go to the office on Friday, Mijo and I should go with her to visit my folks.  I double checked with my mom to see if it would be okay since I had Covid a few weeks ago and my peeps have been overly reactive to fears of getting it, it makes sense, but it also makes it hard to visit.  Mom said "sure, come on down", so after getting out of work Thursday night at 10:30pm, eating a quick snack, going to bed by midnight, waking up at 4:30am, driving down and getting to my folks at 8:30am, it all became a blur.  I sat with my folks, the morning was spent pretty much discussing (some would say arguing) politics and the stupidity going on with our new overlords.  My dad is still a CNN fanboy so everything we say is wrong.

    At one point I asked him very simply "do you think abortions are cool (I am fine with them and think more people should partake, personally, but I know it disgusts my dad)?"  Of course he said no.  "Do you think black people should get more rights than anyone else (I know that this started over police behavior but politicians have now even declared young black people should get the Covid shot before older white people, Come on, Man)?  Again my dad sheepishly said no.  "How about paying more taxes, you want your check or my check to get smaller, so we contribute more from our wallets?" To this one he actually said, "well if we have to we have to."  I guess you can't argue with that kind of logic.  How about all your fellow blue collar workers losing jobs when Biden closed down the pipeline and stopped new fracking on federal lands, putting out 50k-60k people out of jobs.  "No, well that sounds tough."  I told him you're not even a democrat, you just listen too much to CNN.  That is kind of where we are at

    The rest of the afternoon was flavored by that.  It was still cool to sit and spend time with my folks.  My mom has been slowed down by pain to her hip, but it's not like she really sits and rests it as she spent about 50% of her time moving back and forth doing this and that.  My nephews are all there, as my mom is running a home school of sorts, with all the grandkids there on their computers doing their schooling, they broke for lunch around noon, my mom had gone and gotten chicken from the Golden Chick for lunch.  I did end up taking a nap around 2:30 for an hour, then Wife said her coworker would drop her off so we could hang out longer.  We didn't leave until 6:00pm, but it was fine.  We stopped to eat dinner at a restaurant on the way home and probably got home close to 11:00pm.  It was a good day, but I never had a moment alone with my thoughts, so this is written a day late.

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