Wednesday, February 3, 2021

2/3/21 Wife Keeps Saying I am Overthinking it, But Things Have Changed?

     I can't help but think that in ten years, if we can get out of this "stupidity funk" we are in, some people will be ashamed at what they allowed to become normal.  Wife occasionally worries about me leaning over to conspiracy world, and I am aware of what I am doing, but I ask her "What is the option when regular news sources only report one side of things?"  I saw a story on ABC news with Senator Paul Rand trying to discuss election fraud with George Stephanopoulos and the news guy, being that his job is to always look for the story looks at the senator with a straight face and says "no, there are not two sides to this story."  How come when the word was that Trump had "colluded" with Russia, we spent three years investigating, but now we just want to move forward, nothing to see here?  As I understood, the media was some sort of fourth level of government in that their investigating and research kept the people in power in check.  Honestly, I saw Fox giving preferential treatment to Bush and I absolutely hated that, but now the other news sources have turned to doing the same for the left, so who is doing unbiased reporting anymore?  Who do I listen to, Wife?  Should I just blindly put the TV on Fox because they say what I now want to hear, for the most part?  This is why I have taken to hunt for my own information, which leaves me looking like I have become a conspiracist.

    If that wasn't bad enough, social media outlets have taken to controlling what gets out for us to hear?  This is very bad, if we are to believe we are still living in a free country.  If it was just Trump, the argument could be made that he needed to be put on a leash, he can move this country and did.  It is a shame what they have done, but I think he will still come out on top, somehow.  The really bad part is now that the Twitters and Facebooks have tasted the power of censorship in their favor, they are going to continue.

    I was listening to Adam and Dr. Drew, they used to be together on Loveline back in the early 90's dispensing advise to the youth of America.  Dr. Drew is a real doctor, he is also a bit of a celebrity, but he has always sounded honest and a man of science.  He was the straight man to Adam's funny and the show worked.  My point is that he is a real doctor, recently got infected with Covid-19, treated himself with Ivermectin, which I had seen many studies on Youtube that all say it is a lifesaver, yet he has been given a warning to stop spreading misleading information on the internet, from Youtube.  Do you think it is a doctor making this call or is it a dufus sitting in a cubicle not liking what he sees?

    We need to get back to a world with some adults in charge, and I don't mean what the left is talking about, you can't lead the country with feelings, we need people who make decisions from facts and knowledge.  To shut down a doctor because you disagree with him, meanwhile he could be saving lives, maybe Youtube should be charged with some of those murders they want to put on Trump for not reacting sooner or quicker.  I think preventing reaction on purpose, is worse.

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