Friday, February 12, 2021

2/12/21 Cold Long Weekend?

    I mentioned preparing for the cold yesterday, but even knowing about it and turning on the heaters upstairs and down, I am still feeling it sitting here in the kitchen.  I was just thinking I might be staying home on Monday when it is supposed to be real bad, but yesterday when I texted my supervisor about what the plans were, he said he was fixing to text me to just stay home.  I thought it was a bit premature to start "overreacting", but then I hadn't really paid attention to the outside world.
    Sweetie came home a little later and said it was really cold and dangerous, that a lady had spun her car on the road right in front of her as she was driving home.  DD came home and the first thing out of his mouth was that there had been a 26 car pile up in north Austin.  I had figured that the weather was predicting 34 for a high and gently sliding down to 30 overnight, so the roads would stay warm from all the traffic, but I guess that temperature fluctuated by where in the city you were.  Girlie, whose folks moved up to Taylor and she has been staying with them posted pictures on Snapchat and their cars were all covered in a sheet of ice which I was not expecting until the weekend.  Well, knowing how badly people drive and that my own boss was telling me to stay home, for safeties sake was all I needed.  I did run to HEB and stocked up with enough food for close to a week.  I am making some chili with cornbread this afternoon.
    I just checked on Boy, he left the house around 8:00am, it is 9:30am and he is still on the road, trying to get to work.  He works up north, he mentioned the freeways are closed, he is having to drive on the frontage roads.  I am so worried for him, specially with him just crashing another car last month.  DD thought he was staying home until at least Tuesday yesterday, but he just came out of his room and said he got a text to go in to work for a few hours.  Well, he didn't even get to heat up his truck, he came back in that they did cancel work.  It does look dry outside, so I hope it stays that way until Boy gets home.
    It's weird when I stay home and Wife isn't here.  I made some dinner for Baby A and me, he then went up to his room with the door closed doing homework, Boy in his room with Sweetie with the door closed and DD with his gf with the door closed.  I stayed on the computer in the kitchen until I got bored, then watched Youtube videos on the TV in the bed downstairs that I set up for my parents.  I was in and out of napping until 3:00am, then I went upstairs.  Today I am just taking it easy.  Baby A had his classes cancelled so I am sure he is still asleep, so I will make lunch for us then just hang out and wait for Wife to show up, making the chili in the slow cooker in the afternoon.  

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