Thursday, February 4, 2021

2/4/21 Are We All Just Children?

     Used to be, I thought adults were impressive, that they knew everything and kept things under control.  I looked up to my parents, they knew what was best for me, the news gave you unbiased facts, you went to church and school and there were more adults to guide you along your path of growth.  It all seemed to make sense, until the modern era came to be with all the 24 hour coverage and/or you grow up and realize everyone is an idiot.

    Wife brought up her superintendent talking about the school board meeting in my hometown saying it had gotten a little heated, since it was on Youtube I went and saw what the hoopla was about.  These are adults who go out and beg the city to trust them with the choices that are best suited for their children and still, they act like idiots.  There were lawyers discussing matters, I don't even want to get into the specifics, but even they were talking over one another trying to sound more intelligent than the other.  The board was supposed to simply evaluate their superintendent and that lead to them yelling at each other and one suggested that I guess there was so much incompetence that they should just be absorbed by another school district, which is a stupid and cowardly way to solve your own issues.

    A day doesn't go in the news that another teacher is found having a relationship with a student, or a priestly man of the church is fondling kids.  If it isn't that, it's men business suits finding new ways to steal money, looking at you hedge fund idiots who cry foul when they are burned at their own game.  Everywhere we turn to, it seems to be the same.

    Nowadays, we see almost continuous coverage of our esteemed politicians and man do most of them disappoint.  They are all mostly turds in expensive suits playing at what I assume they believe adults would do in their positions.  If they aren't caught with mistresses on the side, they are caught taking bribes, faking stories of hardship for attention, or lying about accomplishments.  The minute you think one of them is doing something good, that might actually be on your side, another one will go out of their way to show you how badly your hero really is.  It is way past disgusting but I don't see this stopping, it just seems like it will get worse and worse.

    Is it the internet and our need for constant content?  Do we search for the lowest common denominator in humanity or is that what we are given to see?  Was it always like this, we just never got to see behind the great curtain in the old days?  I look back for a notable exception and I don't know why, but my great grandparents on my mom's side come to mind.  He was a stoic man who ran a little store in a tiny town and my great grandmother was always near him I assume working alongside him is all I remember.  In their old age, they moved in with one of their kids on a farm near San Antonio and my great grandfather would hang out on that farm staying busy outside with the animals.  He seemed like a perfect old man who loved his wife and once she passed away, he passed a few months after.  Were they the last perfect couple who lived for each other and were just decent good people or if he had had Snapchat and Youtube would I have seen my great grandfather stepping on chickens for fun or other horrible modern day activities?

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