Thursday, February 25, 2021

2/24/21 I Hate The New Generation's Energy?

     There are plenty of reasons to knock this new generation of kids, and I would say millennials, but now I hear that they are Gen Z, so I don't know.  Basically, this jack-offs born after and around 2000 that have invaded everything and are attempting to make things super soft.  Why did our generation produce such spineless winnies that refuse to get their hands dirty and really experience life?  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't challenge my kids in some way, not to be an asshole, but so they know this world is rough and they can't melt at the first sight of something they don't agree with.  It probably sounds lame, but I was set off by an Instagram post where two massive dudes are lifting these round stones and placing them on a chest high shelf.  One guy gets done without fumbling the last stone, there are about 5-6 and then he goes and cheers for his competition to make sure he doesn't give up and finishes his set, the poor guy dropped the last stone and had to go back down and grab it and bring it up again.

    I know this is a nothing event in the world of life, but to then read the comments where all these kids seem to be dismissing the efforts and basically being disrespectful, pissed me off.  I guess I take offense because I am a fan and although I am built in the frame of these guys and have lifted weights for periods of time, I could not lift the insane amounts that this guys do.  Call them what you want, these guys spend insane amounts of time training in the gym, and they consume crazy amounts of energy to accomplish this goal.  I have followed some on Youtube and it isn't out of the ordinary for them to eat 20,000 calories a day while training.  People trying to diet try to stay at or below 1000 calories, for perspective.

    The stones in question weigh in the neighborhood of 350 pounds, which is what I weigh on a light day.  The comments were full of these soy boys saying "weak" or "that's me lifting a case of water into the trunk of my car" and then it got worse from there.  I was taught that if you got nothing nice to say, don't say anything, why live in a world of hate?  I say worse because then some kid added race into it because the two guys were white, he wanted to indicate that white people are stronger.  This is just stupid, it's not the race, it's the stamina and training an individual puts into something.

    I guess the real pisser for me is that I am getting tired of reading negative comments all the time, I don't see why people have to be nasty, do we really have that much jealousy in the world?  Get off your lame ass and do something, put in the work, then you too can be awed and admired.  Talking shit about another person's efforts doesn't make you better, it makes you small and that is what I see, a bunch of self entitled weak little boys talking shit.

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