Tuesday, February 9, 2021

2/9/21 Being The Heel In A Shitty Conversation About Equality?

     While driving around Sunday, Wife got on a tangent, bitching about the facilities sprawling up at Bowie High School.  They are building a three story parking garage facility with swimming pool and tennis courts for the kids.  She is disgusted by the way AISD splits the money seeing this monstrosity going up while our Crockett boys don't even have lights to practice football as it gets dark on their shitty excuse for a football field.

    I don't necessarily feel the same way, if I wanted my kid to have gone to a school with all those niceties, I feel it would have been on us to have moved farther west and implanted ourselves in that school district.  I don't think it is the government's job to provide for my son, if we want more for him, we should also do what we can.  She sees these things as being different arguments.  She works with the unfortunate and so, it bothers her that the poor always get the shaft.  I see and agree to her point, but I also see the other side.  My example to her was let's suppose there are ten families over on the west side paying $50,000 in property taxes, which adds up to $500,000.  On the east side, there are ten poor families paying a combined $50,000 in property taxes because most live in apartments and/or other situations.  Either way, to take the $500,000 plus the $50,000 add them then divide by two and give both school an equal amount of money does not seem fair from the eyes of those paying the higher taxes.  Wife still says in order to be equal, that is what should happen.  I know kids should all get an equal shot, but that really does not seem fair to the ones coughing up the money to make it happen.

    When bringing up the discussion at home, DD's girlfriend, who also works with the unfortunate, and grew up kind of like us it seems, says that kids of affluent homes also have the advantage of having "two pots", if the school falls short, the parents are always willing to provide what is needed.  I agree with all this, but I still can't wrap my conscious around having someone else providing for my son, if so, then why am I here?  This sounds awfully socialist to me.

    I guess because we (Wife and I) came from a technically very poor part of Texas, so we couldn't have had great schools, yet my brother and I both got into UT and got degrees and Wife has her Master's from Texas State yet we didn't have all the advantages of kids going to Bowie or whatever high end schools of the time.  I don't feel shiny computers and swimming pools make for a better education.  Sure, it's super nice and freaking cool, but who gets degrees in swimming?

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