Thursday, February 11, 2021

2/11/21 Cold Is Coming?

     I guess this is the closest we get to feel like Florida does when a hurricane is approaching.  We are currently getting ready for some super cold weather coming down to Texas.  It is weird in that I believe it has been a good 3-4 years where we have a few cool weekends and then winter seems to go away.  This year, we have had a few cold weekends, but this one is going to be a doozy.  According to the weather app on my phone, it looks like we are going to see the teens at night on the weekend, but Monday it is showing a high of 27 and a low of 11.  Add in the 40-60% chance of showers and snow and I am pretty sure I am staying home Monday night.

    I have been slowly preparing by making sure the outside is fortified.  I double checked the water faucets were still wrapped, and then I verified that the pool pumps were all empty of water.  Knowing it is supposed to get colder and running down to a quarter tank of gas, I stopped on my way home and filled up the gas tank.  Last thing I want to do is to be filling up when it is raining and freezing.  I don't imagine we will even leave the house, but emergencies do happen.  This weekend is Valentine's Day and Boy had talked about going to Dallas, but we talked to him to drop his plans, it will be even colder and worse the farther up north one travels.  I don't like to "tell" him what to do, he is now an adult, but he did just crash our back-up car on Christmas Eve, if he were to get in an accident up in Dallas, what would be our options, and to be up there just for fun is not something I can be cool with.

    Wife had been here for her recertification of her CDL, yes the woman can do it all, even drive a school bus.  Of course, the way things work, she left tonight as the weather is starting to get bad.  Her plan a couple days ago was to attend her last class tonight and then come sleep here, but fearing that the weather would be ugly for the morning, she chose to drive to Crystal after her class figuring the cold hasn't frozen things yet.

    I wanted to get enough food for two weeks last weekend, but that seems about impossible as we seem to eat everything we buy quickly.  I will probably run down to HEB Friday early and stock up for the weekend and into Monday and maybe Tuesday.  It is kind of exciting and a little scary, I like when the weather forces us to stay indoors, that is fine, but if we loose electricity things will turn to shit in a hurry.  Our old house used to at least have a gas stove, this house only has electric power, so it has to stay on.

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