Wednesday, February 10, 2021

2/10/2021 Finally Refinanced Our House?

     Well, it took a good two months, but we finally got our house refinanced.  I don't understand why the process has to be such a long harrowing pain in the ass.  I wasn't even thinking of refinancing but I looked up something and realized interest rates had kept dropping since the year before when we had tried to refinance but didn't accomplish it.  The biggest reason I wanted to get this done is because about five years ago we had refinanced but the loan stayed at thirty years, so if we didn't do anything different, we would have been paying the mortgage into my mid 70's, if I am still around.  By redoing the loan to a fifteen year note, we should be done before my 65th birthday, so I should still be working, if Covid or my fatness doesn't do me in.

    I don't know how things work to refinance, basically we went with the same company who had our loan, Loan Depot.  Last year we got to a stalemate because they insisted we attach the solar panels to the loan of the house and I didn't want to because instead of being done in less than ten more years, we would be paying the amount for fifteen, and who knows if those things would still be good by then.  Yeah, the solar panels have been a complete waste of money, I do not recommend them to anybody.  This time around I said "fuck it", let's just do it, see what happens.  The discussion of solar panels never even came up, and here I am after signing everything wondering how the slid by.

    We did pull some cash and we are using it to pretty much pay all of our outstanding credit card debt that has slowly accumulated in the last 4 years.  Yes, we went through a credit debt reduction, but if you need stuff and you don't have cash, then out come the credit cards.  I really want to be different now, as one can see by the fact that I am still driving my Excursion and not something shiny and new.  I have budgeted our stuff and we should have more money coming in now, so we are trying to be more responsible and not get over our heads buying stuff we don't need.

    The signing itself was a little weird in Covid times.  We didn't even get out of the car.  The notary came out with two stacks of paperwork on clipboards and Wife and I spent about an hour racing through and signing everything that was highlighted in yellow.  It was a real pain in the ass doing it in our laps, but it gone done.  This was the same place we had done this last time, so it was kind of weird about that.  Wife was like we could have just done this online, the notary didn't even stay with us, it was a little cold, so she went inside and came out after we were done to get everything.  Anyways, the worst part is over.  We will now have a 2.75% interest rate instead of 5.25% that we were paying at, so that sounds really good.

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