Sunday, February 14, 2021

2/14/21 Happy Valentine's Day?

     Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, if it is something you look forward to.  Normally, Wife leads this holiday and in the past she has made us, her boys, a fancy dinner so that we can all enjoy it together.  We have never been the kind of douchebag parents to ignore the kids because we have to go prove our love to each other off in some quiet corner by ourselves.  We express love to each other openly, and even include the boys by telling them regularly that we love them.  Wife is really the best because she shuns stupid displays of love, she has never put it to me that I should get her some expensive jewelry, or plan expensive trips for just the two of us, or anything silly like that.  She even considers flowers a waste of money because she sees that they die within a week, so what is the point?

    This year is a bit different because we are in the middle of not only the pandemic, but currently we are in the middle of an arctic cold front and it is the coldest it has been in a few years.  We are looking at lows on Monday below 10 degrees which I can't recall hitting but maybe once or twice since I have paid attention to the weather.  Because of this, I started planning the weekend on Thursday night.  I decided to go to the store and buy food to keep us fed through the weekend and a few more days.  We have been trying to get back on our low carb diet, but it has proven to be quite difficult, I just want to sit and munch when the weather is like this.  We talked about not getting sweets and no cakes or chocolates leading up to the weekend, but then Wife put it on me to "get myself a little something for Valentine's Day" when I went to the store for food.  Okay, I said.

    I looked at the cheesy big hearts in the Valentine's Day aisle and couldn't do it.  I know those things are barely half filled with chocolate and overpriced.  I decided instead to go get bags of regular chocolate bars of all varieties, like Snickers, Milky Way, Kit Kat, Baby Ruth, then I added Sour War Heads and chili mangoes, some Lindt chocolate balls, chocolate and white powdered donuts, a small Ferrero Rocher, and probably a couple other candies I forgot.  There was also the 7 pints of different ice cream varieties to sample.  I figured this way all of us in the house can enjoy as much junk food as we want, the boys have some of the stuff they like and this probably cost less than buying two big chocolate hearts.

    We have kind of been picking at the bag since Friday night, so some of the candies are already gone, but still, there is plenty left for the expected two more days we will be locked up in the house before the cold starts letting up.  For today's menu, I think we are going to try and grill the regular fajitas, chicken thighs, and sausage if the grill will work in this super cold weather.  I also have to rally and go outside to operate the grill.  Maybe I'll let Wife "Be the Man" and she can cook the food inside.

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