Wednesday, February 9, 2022

2/9/22 Timing Is Everything?

    These mornings get rougher and rougher, I had to get Baby A to school before 7:00am today.  He is traveling with the JV wrestling crew to spar and help warm up some of the other guys for their tournament.  It was supposed to happen last week, but the ice storm shut down school activities on Thursday and Friday.  Honestly, I wish I could join them, but I do have to go to work, and these events just stretch on for hours.
    Anyways, after I dropped him off, I called Wife (from the parking lot, not while I was driving) to talk with her, since I have been staying until almost midnight at work, I haven't seen her in the last two days.  She was telling me that yesterday they were supposed to go to the Dollar General or something at 10:00am to buy supplies since it is counselor appreciation week, but went to Sam's first, since she was buying more things there, she was buying supplies for the wrestlers, mostly waters and a case of Gatorades.  When they got to the dollar store, there was a lot of activity, and it turns out they missed an armed robbery complete with a shoot-out.  I thought Wife said they had tried to hold up the store, but the story online says an idiot tried to steal a security guard's car, and he got shot for his efforts.  Like Wife said, if they had gone there first, they might have been part of that action and been there when shots were fired.
    I always have to relate things to me and that is how I felt about timing when I hung up and got to the gas station.  I love when I am there alone, and it appears the store might be closed.  I was down to a few more miles, so I stopped to fill up and there was no one in the parking lot of the gas station.  By the time I got off, and walked around the car to start the pump, two other cars stopped to use the pumps around me, and another car stopped to go inside, maybe get some coffee.  It really is all in the timing, I am sure I could have been there three minutes earlier and maybe filled my tank alone.
    I know, much better to miss a shoot-out where one could possibly get shot as an innocent bystander, but my problems of having to share the gas pumps are on par.  Just kidding, I am glad Wife was nowhere near the shooting, but I guess working in a low-income school district, one is never that far from the next possible encounter with idiots, stay ever vigilant.  That's another similarity to me stopping at gas stations, always look out for the bums, looking for a dollar, they have no shame, they'll come up to your car and ask for money.  Ugh, life is hard.

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