Tuesday, February 22, 2022

2/22/22 Finally Got Back To Watching Movies With Our Kid? (part 2 of 2)

     It would have seemed like two movies would have made for a full night of movies on a Saturday night, but because we saw most of Highlander early in the day, it was still only 9:00pm or so when Llamageddon was over.  I surfed through the selections and found another really interesting trailer, Vivarium.  I kind of thought this might be a weird but funny movie, but it was not.  Wife called it a psychological thriller.  This was such a weird movie, I kind of want everyone to see it because it was different from the norm, but I also don't want anybody to see it, it gave me the heebie-jeebies.  It starred Jesse Eisenberg, who tends to have a jerk quality to him, and Imogen Poots, not a famous girl, but she seems to like making weird movies.

    The movie has been out since 2019, so it isn't new, but I think it might have gotten lost with how movies are coming out now, mostly straight to Netflix or some other medium.  I don't think people are going to the movies much anymore.  Anyways, the premise is easy to follow, a young couple is hunting for a house they can afford, and so end up at a realtor's office, who instantly gives creepy vibes, but they go along with him.  He tells them of this brand-new community right on the edge of town, not too close, but not too far.  They follow him to the community which seems all wrong right away, as there are no other people, all the houses are identical, and everything just seems perfect and uniform, except too perfect uniform.

    They are casually going through the house, we have done this a hundred times, liking this, hating that, commenting to each other things we like, and things we could change.  When they go to look at the backyard, suddenly the realtor disappears.  At this point, they start realizing all is not right.  They try to leave, and the community seems like a labyrinth that just leads them back to number 9, the house they went to look at.

    The movie gets weirder from here.  Someone is supplying them food, and before they know it, they have been trapped in this neighborhood for a long time.  They are even provided a creepy baby to raise, which just makes it super creepy because no one ever explains anything to them, they just sort of keep carrying on, not that they have a choice.

    Like I said, this movie touched a lot of emotions.  On the one hand, Llamageddon has a high death rate, most of the teens are killed, but it was done in a stupid funny way.  This movie has only a few deaths, but it still leaves you feeling like you need a shower afterwards, and maybe the light on to sleep.

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