Friday, February 25, 2022

2/25/22 WWIII?

     According to some Tik Tok videos, Russia might have invaded Ukraine and somehow that might have triggered a war which we might eventually get involved with, or...., again, they are blowing smoke up our asses and telling us things are worse than they are, and nothing is going on.  I am unsure what reality is anymore, I believe Russia is moving in on Ukraine, but I don't understand if that is a good or bad thing.  War is never good, and that is not what I mean, but, for example, Putin says he is stomping out Nazis in the Ukraine, I mean, that sounds good.  On the other hand, Americans on Twitter and other message devices are standing with Ukraine, so are we on the side of the Nazis?  Is that just a ploy from Putin to ease the invasion of a neighboring country?  I don't understand politics enough here, much less on the other side of the planet, but weren't all these little countries the USSR before it crumbled apart?  Is Putin just trying to get the band back together?  

    The most ridiculous part of this is to hear the left saying if Trump was still president, he would have given Ukraine to the Russians.  Sounds nice to the latte drinking crowd but he was president, and nothing happened, we didn't even engage in any new wars or skirmishes during his four years but keep believing the BS sputtered by these incompetents.  They are still trying to prop up ole Brandon, like he is doing some sort of good job.  I don't want to see a major war in my time, but it sure would be interesting to see how many of these women/girls that yell daily about how men and women are equal join the war effort and go fight in the front lines.  If we are all equal, then women should make up 50% of our military and should make up 50% of the casualties when it is all over.  Why not, I have two boys, if a war breaks out, I shouldn't have to feel like my boys may be called to service, but a family with a bunch of girls will be spared, not in this day.

    What I find more curious is that this war does not even seem to be covered by mainstream media.  Maybe the reality is I don't watch regular TV anymore, so it seems that the only coverage is coming from people on the ground on Tik Tok.  I don't know, it may be more serious than what we are acting on it, but I've had no discussions about it with Wife, my boys, even other family.  It's like it's so far away we don't really care about it, or we can't accept it as something real.  I guess for now, we are not acting as the world's police and going over there and sticking our noses in this.  Maybe Ukraine does belong to Russia, those names do seem to go together, but again, I don't know much about that part of the world.

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