Saturday, February 19, 2022

2/18/22 Change Of Plans? (part 1 of 2)

     I don't know, Baby A is running rampant, he needs a sport to tie him down.  Thursday night, Wife was telling me "Mijo wants to just take it easy, buy some pizza and watch some movies..."  I had planned on making ribs, but from the sound of this, they wanted it to be even simpler than that, so of course, I accommodate and change our dinner plans accordingly.  Friday after I dropped him off and had my morning cup of coffee was the first time in a long while where I felt normal and decided to clean the house, feeling finally free of wrestling.  I then washed clothes, vacuumed, swept, mopped the kitchen, and decluttered the kitchen in general, making things look cleaner.  It had been a while since I had done that.

    By noon, I was ready to shower, then ran to the old HEB on Manchaca, there is a Papa Murphy next to it, so I got some sodas, and other weekend junk food, and picked up three pizzas, enough to keep us fed and hopefully keep us from going anywhere.  I then went home, but was surprised Wife called early and she was on her way home, before Mijo even got out of school.  I thought even better, she might get here in time to go with me to pick him up, start the weekend off right.  Nope!

    Our son had mentioned he might want to go watch soccer, and when I asked him, he had said it would be at school, so fine, maybe we pick him up a little later.  It turns out that part was wrong, when I picked him up, it was like in his head he had a conversation with me about taking him across town to watch the boys play soccer at Eastside High School.  I was a little caught off guard saying, "you expect me to take you across town, at 5:00pm to go see a soccer match that already started?"  He was very casual and a little shitty like "yeah, and if you could hurry it up, I really don't want to waste time going to pick up mom."  Wife was off by a little bit, but in the time that I got to his school, she had gotten home, remember, I thought I was just picking him up and bringing him home, he had not said we were headed on an adventure.  He grumbled a bit, because the game had started, but I told him if I was going to sit around and wait, I was at least going to go pick up Wife, so she could hang with me.

    We swung by, picked her up, then headed in the worst direction you can go at 5:00pm, downtown on I-35.  Of course, it took longer than we would have thought, it is always shitty driving on the freeway, especially on Friday afternoon when everybody gets out of work.

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