Thursday, September 29, 2016

9/29/16 Chubs The Troublemaker?

    So it is written and so it shall be.  We got an email last night from Chub's math teacher that he was not only disruptive, but also disrespectful.  This is either where the child starts going down a bad path and the parents wonder what went wrong, or this is where the parents do their job and come down, grab the child by the throat and very slowly measure how much oxygen he will be allowed, ask for an explanation, threaten that if he wants to see another day he will ask for forgiveness and maybe just maybe he will be allowed to touch an electronic gadget next year.
    Nothing pisses me off more from my boys than to have another adult have to question their discipline.  True, nobody cusses more than Boy (Wife still thinks he has a touch of Turret's), he gives me a run for my money, but he never disrespected teachers in school.  As soon as I read the notice I hoped it was a mistake, maybe the teacher meant the next kid before or after Chub's alphabetically.  I called him at home, and even though he was cool after school, he made no mention of it while we ate, he very quickly choked up and I could hear him tearing up and his voice breaking.  He said some kids were talking to him during class and he responded back. 
    We take this very seriously, I expect the boys to respect their teachers, they get enough shit from the crappy students, and the a-holes who never even figure out school is the best thing they will ever be a part of.  I very clearly told him you will march straight or we have a huge fucking problem little boy.  I cannot and will not dance with you, you can very easily go to Crystal City with your mom.  You promised me you were going to be a big boy and that means we don't go to school to waste people's time.  The first thing you will do tomorrow is what?  With his voice all crackly and fixing to cry he said he would apologize to the teacher in the morning.  Then he got a second round when I told Mama, and I am usually the nice one.
    When I went home for lunch, he was already asleep, Boy said he asked him what had happened, and he gave a better description, which I can see.  He told Boy that he was talking to the kid next to him because he didn't understand what they were doing and when the teacher told them to stop being disruptive, he tried clearing his name by explaining that he was asking for help.  You can very easily get stuck in a loop, and I have fallen in this myself where we never get in trouble, when we do we want to explain why, but I am sure the teacher just wanted to move on.
    Wife e-mailed the teacher back and she did respond within the half hour and she said he is such a great kid and a hard worker.  She kept the kids that were talking after class, but since he had not been a troublemaker before, he was not sent to detention.  Since he is having a little trouble with math, she offers tutoring in the morning, I know he likes hanging with his buddies, but I have a feeling he will start attending those tutoring sessions on a very regular basis.  It sucks, and I do love now that he is here with me, but if he thinks we will let him become a fuck up, he is sadly mistaken.  I am very laid back as far as him doing whatever he does in his free time, but hearing this just set in motion the walls around him suddenly got taller.  He will feel squeezed and suffocated, only as a reminder of what is the most important thing he is doing right now, and that is learning.

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