Saturday, September 17, 2016

9/17/16 Chubs Is Thriving Like A Weed?

    You know when you got that sick plant you swear can't grow, yet you give it to that friend who is an expert at growing things and suddenly the plant takes off?  That is how I feel about my Chubs and him coming back to the big city.  He tried to please his mama and stay with her in the small town, but it was never for him.  He was not comfortable living at my folks having to share the bedroom with his mom, and he was not comfortable having his cousins riding on his back, literally, from the time he'd get home until they went off to any of their many sports practice sessions.
    Instead of worrying about eating too much after school and then dinner, he is having a decent after school meal, and then at night he had a sandwich, or cereal, or something light like that.  We started Monday by revisiting Bill Miller, one of our favorites the last few years.  Friday, we ate a personal pan at Target since he needed to stock up on sodas and junk food for his coming back sleep over.  I am writing this at 9:30pm Friday in my kitchen and he has four extra boys all sitting around the kitchen island eating BBQ Wife picked up on her way back here.  It feels nice.
    My initial impressions when Wife took the job was FREEDOM!!! for me, but I am an old bull.  What am I supposed to do with so much free time?  I got nothing, it was a little pathetic.  The only comfort I found was having more free time to spend with  my older son.  We have had some good lunches, it's nice to know we can just sit there and not be uncomfortable.  So, after experiencing three weeks worth of freedom, I said nah.  Let's see how it goes with Chubs up here, see if he can live without Mama, no more constant coddling.
    There is no more whining, he walks tall and proud.  I thought it was the funniest, coolest move on his part.  I was waiting for him in the school parking lot, and he throws his hand over his head throwing the peace sign to some kid on his right, then immediately after sees me and does the finger in the shape of a gun, pointing at me as he was walking to my truck.  The boy is where he belongs.  The first few days I was trying to say hurry up to the pick up area, and he says I take a step and I see a friend who wants to know where I've been, then I take another step and someone else from William's Elementary sees me, and I gotta tell them where I've been.
    The biggest worry was situations like yesterday, when I had to leave for work, and Boy was still on campus working.  He got home maybe an hour later, so no big deal, but I still am not comfortable leaving him alone for any length of time.  Oh well, part of the growing up process, he is eleven, so it's not like he is a baby anymore. 
    I am sorry I drug my feet on this, but at least he did not lose his position in the Einstein Jr program, so even if he is a little behind, he has the opportunity to catch up and continue growing with them.

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