Tuesday, September 20, 2016

9/20/16 Wow, College Is Mean?

    College is not for everyone, I am the first one to say that.  I will also say it is not the only means to a successful and happy life.  That being said, it will statistically, improve your chances at making a little more money, and enjoying more free time.  I am bringing this up because I am surprised at the people Boy tells me are not going to school anymore.
    There are of course those that it was going to be hard for anyway you slice it, then there are those who just said fuck it, I won't even try.  "I can't fail, if I don't try, so I can't be a statistic."  You also tend to go through life as a spectator, and never a participant, Numb Nuts.  What is worse, trying your hardest and told "you're not that smart?" or not trying at all, and never knowing how you measure up?
    Boy was telling me after we ran into one of his old "rocket" buddy how he just didn't get it.  This kid went off to Texas A&M, and promptly failed and was back.  Another of his friends went to UTSA and the same thing happened.  I am currently a little worried about his crew who had one graduating in a mad furry with a physics degree, is now taking a semester off with one or two classes remaining, and the same with another of his closest BFFs who because of outside circumstances is not taking a full load.
    The scariest thing is to get off that roller coaster because it does not stop, and it keeps adding new batches of students who know everything and spitting out probably 70%-80% of those who find out they don't.
    The best advice I can give anyone, who obviously didn't listen the first time around, take advantage of ACC or other junior colleges.  I can't say this enough, both Wife and I did this and it helped so much.  Boy went two years which we were more or less able to keep up with paying the tuition.  He is on his third year at Texas State, and still under $30K in student loans.  It could be a lot worse.
    Lots of people fail or get on scholastic probation, the trick is to stop feeling sorry for yourself, realize time is going to pass whether you're partying like the world is going to end soon or showing discipline and preparing yourself for a cool future where you control what field you work in. 
    Boy has failed a class or two, given the field he is in, it only makes sense, some of those classes are scary, even for me.  But continuing his path is the most important thing we are doing right now.  It may take him six years, I say BFD, it took me five years for my degree and it took Wife even longer for hers plus the other three plus years for her Master's.  Shit, I now feel that Wife took a giant step with this new job and I can foresee she might be making more money than me in five-ten years.  All I can say is bring on the wheelbarrows of money, I'll figure out a way to spend it all.  But!!!  All this is not possible without her getting her degrees, even if it took awhile, I knew this was coming, eventually.

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