Friday, August 31, 2018

8/31/18 Will The Longhorns Keep Sucking?

    Football season is gearing up, this weekend is the start of college football, which to me remains the purest of sports by kids who love the game.  The NFL is great, but they fucked it up when they started letting players go from team to team.  There is no loyalty anymore in the pros and sadly, it is all about the money.  Not to mention the teams themselves will move if someone offers them a new stadium somewhere else.  When the Oilers left Houston, I was highly disappointed.  It is hard for me to get excited about the Cowboys when they have a rich guy who tries to buy his way to wins.  Win with the guys you have, I say.  I'll stick to watching the kids who play their hearts out for the possibility of future rewards and school spirit.
    College football has its problems, but it is not the players.  There is a belief that the system is rigged to use them and when a coach can make 7-10 million dollars a year and the players have to settle for their tuition getting paid, it just doesn't seem fair.  But enough of that.  Are the Longhorns going to finally be good?  They are my team after all and the season is only fun if they can win.  If they start winning, we start watching more games.  If we watch more games, they can get back on prime time and then we can grill while they play.  There is nothing better than some grilled meat while watching an exciting game with your favorite team.
    I worry though, because it is my honest opinion that until they get rid of that practice bubble, they will continue to be soft and second rate compared to the Oklahomas and anyone in the SEC.  As I was saying about my kids workouts in the middle of the afternoon heat, practicing in +100 degree weather makes you a bit thicker skinned even a bit tougher.  I can imagine those Longhorns wearing long sleeves in the bubble because it gets a bit chilly if you aren't moving around.  Anyone who lives here in Austin knows what I mean by the bubble.  It is a plastic bubble about as high as the elevated highway, which you can see from I-35.  Other than it being kind of Orange, it is one freaking ugly excuse for a facility, but it keeps them boys pampered and cool, I guess.
    At this point, I would be happy with a couple more wins than last year.  Deciding on a quarterback would also be good, but that may be asking too much.  This is Texas, something like 254 counties, probably twice as many high schools, without looking outside the state, there are like 500 potentials there.  Pick someone with a head and some hunger in his eyes, not daddy's boy in a rich school which wins because it is loaded against inferior competition.

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